On The Edge of Control


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Thank you all for your prayers. I was still in pain yesterday and went back for another exam at my Chiropractor, Dr. Darine found 3 ribs out of place. She was able to get me back into proper alignment and I am doing much better! I have been a bad boy in not having been to the Chiropractor since Feb! Thank you for all of your prayers. We have been going since 3am today posting the news and inspiration you need to know! Please check out the stories at the bottom of this CUP including Syrian Rebels saying they will protect Israel from the Islamic State and also read about Saturdays Fall Gathering on the Plaza in Santa Fe and many other Godly events coming up in New Mexico. We thank Karen Rowe for filling in for me today!

We have this prayer need from Grace Cordova:
Friends, please pray for my Mom, Grace Munoz. She’s in the hospital in Tucson with severe nausea and fever, recurring complications of acid reflux. At this point, shes a little better but they’re keeping her overnight for observation and to watch for pneumonia. My brother is with her, as is my step dad, but it stinks I can’t be there. We thank you in advance for standing in agreement with us for her quick recovery.

We are praying healing over Grace! In Jesus name, Amen! 

Good precious morning to you Dewey’s Daily Cup Readers!

My name is Karen Rowe, and I thank you for allowing me to be a part of your day!  It is such a beautiful honor and blessing to me to be here brewing a fresh cup of God’s Word just for you –I hope this is a blessing to you!  I hope this day finds you well –and if not, with the grace of God to get through your day well.

Can I take just a moment to tell you that it is 3:22 am on Friday morning, September 12, 2014!  I had so much to write to you on this day –even some prepared from yesterday!  However, it just wasn’t ready yet –and frankly the brew was just not perfect for you!  Today takes me back to my knees to pray yet once again, because it is a brand new day –and I find that the same message from the Lord is still brewing in my spirit!

Will you take a moment with me; and pray again with me, before we begin today?

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for this opportunity to be here in your honor today! I pray for all those reading that this message will minister a good message of Christ to all of our hearts that each person reading this knows … really knows in their spiritual knower how deep and wide your love for them is!  I pray that my words are your words; and that they speak directly to the heart of where freedoms in Christ are truly found! 

In the precious name of Jesus the Christ,



What are some things that will steal your joy?  Anger?  This was the topic on my heart to write for you all day yesterday!  Let me tell you friend that if you are going through something difficult –God is about to unleash something wonderful in His knowledge to you –those secrets in the Kingdom living about the freedoms we don’t always know how to live in!

Now there are different kinds of anger –some anger is righteous, but as the Bible teaches in 1 Corinthians 13 –Walking in the power of sacrificial love is not easily angered!  Also, before we move forward, anger is directed at something –self or others and involves emotions.  The motivation for this topic come to me yesterday as I was tempted to be angry at myself, when I would not allow myself to be angry at my husband; and all because we both loved our child!  Think about anger that comes at you –anger usually tempts your finger to point a dagger of incrimination toward someone!  But incrimination is NOT God’s way!  Love is!  Love is patient and kind and Love always trusts God!


We love control –if we are really honest with our self and with God, we will admit that we love to be at least “on the edge of control”, especially when something is going wrong … but refocus on God just a minute … Isn’t it better to trust in God and follow His instructions that He will bring you through!


The Holy Spirit comforts and strengthens with peace and joy –and the Holy Spirit convicts our heart to change, when God sees us walking away from Him, because God loves us!  The enemy of God however, will condemn and convict us in our mind and our heart with deception about who God is and about who we are!  We are embarking on something wonderful and powerful from God –God is teaching us how to live blessed in the Kingdom of God!

I hope this is a blessing to you!


I am renaming this to “On the Edge of Control” Today as yesterday I learned in “Don’t Let Anger Steal Your Joy”, by Karen Rowe September 11, 2014


I believe that we all go through things in this world that are difficult!  What is the most difficult thing that you are facing right now in your life?  It doesn’t take long for something to happen in a day that is out of our control.
What regrets could you be dealing with right now?

Something precious can be stolen from us if we let it go … our FREEDOMS in Christ! However you can reclaim you gifts from Jesus right here and right now!

Are you familiar of what the Freedoms in Christ are?

In other words, things in this world will come to us and at us –from the enemy of God, intending on taking us down and out!  However, but by the grace of God, we can overcome all things with peace and joy by our faith in Christ living in us!


There is a power from God living in us –He is holy.  He is God.  He is love.  He is Jesus.

There is a choice in living in this gift from God –or, we can choose to do it on our own!  But, honestly our way-the 2nd choice way doesn’t work out very well in the end!  Sooner or later, we will all figure out that we need God; and we need God’s Son, Jesus.


Do you know how much God loves you?  Do you know that God also loves those you love too?  You can trust God –and so can we all!  We can trust God through the most difficult struggles; and pray for the ways to avoid them!  Yet, sometimes we must walk through our troubles!


Before we learn, I have learned a teachable news; and this news is this

We can’t teach through anger; and we can’t teach through pride. 

It is for our benefit, that we can replace these negative coverings with joy (STRENGTH) to overcome!

Would you like to pause right here to say a prayer?

Father, Forgive me of my trespasses; as I also ask you to help me forgive those who have trespassed against me.  Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil …

In Jesus Name, Amen.


I encourage you to pray the Lord’s Prayer right now (daily); and really listen to God’s voice living in your heart.

The Holy Spirit of God will bring to our attention through this prayer anything living in our heart that is unholy; and God will help us to deal with it!

Why?  Because anything unholy we allow to come into our heart is something that will get the way of our holy spiritual gifts from God!  We have spiritual gifts that are far greater than human capabilities!  We have spiritual gifts in the freedoms we can find by abiding in Christ:


Faith, hope and love; by way of peace and joy that transcends all human understanding!  The miracles of life in Christ!


In other words, like a battery, there is a positive and a negative connection; if the cables are connected in reverse order you create a dead short; and all the energy is discharged from the core battery.  God’s way is holy –everything else is not.  A holy life is a spiritual life –try to live a life backwards and it doesn’t work out very well!

In other words, we can choose how to control our life:  Control by our means and emotions; or by our knowledge, understanding and Wisdom that is found in a higher power –the One True and Living God:  The Creator and Sustainer of all of His Creation that is continuing even in this day, in Heaven and here on earth (the Kingdom has come)!  We can trust our God who is the one true living higher power, whom loves us just as we are; and loves us as our Father God when we place our faith in Jesus the Christ, who is the Son of the Living God!

Do you know Jesus as your Savior and Lord? You have an invitation to “Come to Jesus” –Just come to Jesus; and ask Jesus to come in your heart willing to admit you need Him and you need the life Jesus died and rose again to give you! 

Tell us here; or tell someone if you said this prayer –it is an important step to tell someone you trust who will understand!


The enemy of God is a master deceiver of our mind with a goal to get our soul, but if Satan can’t get our soul, he will attempt to steal our joy!


Why?  Because, the Joy of the Lord is our strength to overcome all things through Christ!  Christ is the one who gives us strength –Christ Jesus is the one who gives us joy!

Keep your cable connections on the positives for your spiritual life in Christ!


“… neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10King James Version (KJV).”


What thing has happened in your life that you wish you could turn back time to redo with better knowledge?  Please reread that Scripture Neh. 8:10).


Well friend, let me tell you a secret:  Trials and tribulations will come!  The difference is how we get through them! 

Anger will choose to stand in the tribulation, but joy will carry you on through with the strength of God beneath you –like the wind beneath your wings!  When you don’t feel like flapping your wings, just praise God for His hand who holds you!  Praise God for His powerful wind that will carry you –if you let Him!


I believe this is a good place to stop for today!

Always remember that God does work all things together for the good to them that love God!  According to the purpose in which we are called!  And that purpose my friend in Jesus is to be made holy –as we are learning the importance of “Making our bed in the Spirit; and not in the flesh”!

Okay, I see that God gave me the place to leave a clue about this teaching series, which has already begun!  This is such a huge revelation that we will be teaching about in our series:  “How to survive in this world after the miracle through Jesus!” 

God loves you this much!  This is why we are here!  For you!  We love you and so does God –in fact we love you because of the love that God has poured into our hearts through the power of the Holy Spirit –a good life that is found in abiding in Christ Jesus our Savior and Lord!


Remember also something very important the next time you become easily angered; and tempted to be angered at a lack of control … Remember, And WHO IS our God? Our all-knowing Father! Thank God, HE is in Control!  And everything is going to be okay!!!

I hope this is a blessing to you in your gloriously created and special made day! We can trust in God’s love for us!  God loves you and is willing to care for you –even through pain and misery!  You don’t have to have a mountain sized faith … just a mustard seed J


I appreciate the Wise words from those who were a part of this amazing revelation!  Randal, Jesse and Rob!  I pray this is a blessing to you as well!  Thank you DDC Readers, Dewey Moede and For God’s Glory Alone Ministries for inviting me to be here! I truly hope this is a blessing!

We are all immensely and incredibly valuable to God!  I truly hope this met your need and was received as a blessing to you in your precious life!  Our prayers are with you!
Love in Christ,

Karen Rowe
Hope in Today Ministries & The Train Whistle, Sounding the call of God’s Love!

Ministries supporting Ministries –A ministries of God’s Word on the Move!

www.hopeintoday.com & www.thetrainwhistle.com

919-357-5154 (c)

God Bless you Karen, Robb, Daniel and Amanda!

Stories we are coverying for you at FGGAM News and Inspiration! Must READS and SHARES! You bless us when you share FGGAM with you family and friends! Please help and support our efforts in standing in the gap for God in this worldwide ministry! And I sought a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy ity, but found none. Ezekiel 22:22 The FGGAM newsroom has been active since 3am today, standing in the gap for you, bringing the news and inspiration you need to know, For God’s Glory Alone! And all of God’s people said, AMEN!

Syrian Rebels Promise to Protect Israel From Islamic State

Islamic State Forces Increase Dramatically

Lawmaker Sues to Stop His Daughter’s Access to Obamacare Birth Control

Fall Gathering On The Plaza In Santa Fe and Other Upcoming Events In New Mexico

Saudi Authorities Arrest Christians

Mexico Condemns Texas Gov. Perry For Border Action

Don’t Assume You Know it All

Kelly’s Word For The Day~ Suddenly Out Of Heaven Rides Christ

For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team

Let us keep praying for each other and our families and neighbors. And all of God’s people said, AMEN!

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