Examine the Word of God


Dear family of our Lord Jesus Christ and faithful Daily Cup readers,

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Shonda SavageGood day to you all! Thank you for joining us here on the “Cup.” I’m Shonda Savage an inspirational writer at FGGAM.org and I’m filling in for Dewey today.

We thank God for what HE is doing and working through this ministry and we thank you, our faithful readers and supporters of the ministry for taking part of what God is doing here at FGGAM.

I want to thank you for your prayers. I am feeling them as finally I have a diagnosis and treatment for the stomach issues, but am still undergoing more testing to ensure there is not an ulcer. Also, next Wednesday, the dermatologist will remove a asymmetrical, multi-colored, large, evolving mole from my left arm that she suspects is melanoma. It will take approximately five weeks to get the pathology report back. But our GOD is BIGGER! And I’m believing HIM for the best outcome. I will continue to sing praises to HIS glorious name. I appreciate your prayers and praises as well.

We also thank you for taking time for a Cup today. Here’s what is brewing today –

Examine the Word of God

Years ago I prayed the role of a saint yet I lacked an intimate relationship with the Lord. I set out, unconsciously mind you, to have God fit into my image of Him. But our Lord, being the Sovereign One, would not allow it. And I thank God today for his might and power over me!

I admit it, I really wanted Scriptures to validate what I believed and the lifestyle I wanted to live. Therefore, I drawn like a moth to a flame to teachings that appeared to be Biblical while still fitting what I wanted to hear. I wanted justification for my behaviors, and I sought it from listening to teachings that fit that mold.

Friends, we must be careful of whose teachings we are listening to! We must realize that  not all preachers and teachers speak the truth of the Bible. We, collectively, are like the people in the time of Hosea who were unfaithful, unloving, and failed to acknowledge God. They also followed leadership that allowed lawlessness to prevail. Does that sound familiar?

“You stumble day and night, and the prophets stumble with you. So I will destroy your mother— my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. ‘Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children’” (Hosea 4:5-6 NIV).

God rejected the people of Israel because they did not recognize God as their Lord. Why? The priests and the prophets failed to teach the Word of God.


We should to seek spiritual leaders who gain their insights from the Lord in a solid and thorough Bible study. The Bible warns us in both the Old and New Testaments of false prophets and teachers. These false teachings have led to the people’s destruction and will lead to ours if we do not seek God.

Many scriptures warn us about false teachers. Paul wrote about this to his protégé, Timothy.

“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths” (2 Timothy 4:3-4).

People want their own way and will find someone to justify it, even if it denies the truth of God’s word. This path will only lead to destruction.

As Christ followers, we must examine the teachings and Scriptures heard and test the truth of the messages. Even if that means we do not get our own ways.  We should be like the Bereans.

“Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true” (Acts 17:11).

The Bereans tested the Apostle Paul’s teachings. These instructions apply to us also—test what you hear with the Scriptures!

study the Bible

When you listen to a sermon in church, online, radio, or television, do you check the Scriptures at home? If you find what you hear does not line up with Scripture, then perhaps it is time to seek the Lord about it. If you’re seeking the truth, the Lord will lead you to a place to hear the truth.

We must remember that even godly teachers are not perfect. They are all human, which means they are fallible. We should look for preachers and teachers who are humble before the Lord and who are filled with His love, truth, and grace.

People in the times of Hosea followed false teachings and were warned that they would perish for a lack of knowledge. This applies to us in our times as well. If we follow false teachings we too will perish—meaning we won’t have the full life that Christ came to give us.

By God’s wild grace, let’s seek wisdom and knowledge from the Lord and NOT follow the leaders who will lead us astray. But those who lead us to truth teaching us to set aside our own misconceived beliefs. Examine the Scriptures for yourself to test what you hear.

The above was adapted from the Bible Study, Wild Grace: Experiencing Your Spiritual Splendor, written by Shonda Savage. Click here to learn more about the Bible Study.

FGGAM has these stories for you this morning: IT IS A GOOD NEWS FRIDAY!!!

Day 1 Emmanuel Ministries Camp Meeting: Pastor Marty Cooper Delivers Godly Wisdom

Arkansas State to Allow Cross Decals on Helmets

MLB Player Takes U-Turn, Returns to God

Israel Prepares for Rosh Hashana

Kelly’s Word For The Day~ Prayer

Thank you for coming by for a CUP! Thank you Shonda for filling in for me! Praise God!

For God’s Glory alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team

Let us keep praying for each other and our families and neighbors!

And all of God’s people said, AMEN!!!!

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