Iran Nuclear Talks Going Nowhere, and Obama wants to team with Evil?


Iran's renegade nuclear program (Illustrative)And President Obama and stooge Kerry want to team with evil Iran to fight the Islamic State? Diplomats from Iran and the P5+1 nuclear powers (US, UK, France, Russia, China and Germany) emerged from the latest round of talks in New York on Friday warning that little tangible progress has been made towards resolving the crisis over the Islamic Republic’s renegade nuclear program. “We do not have an understanding on all major issues, we have some understandings that are helpful to move this process forward and we have an enormous number of details still to work through,” a US State Department official told reporters. The deadline for the talks is 24 November.  In related news, a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) last week included an effort by Arab governments to single out Israel for its refusal to sign the Non-proliferation treaty and surrender its alleged nuclear arsenal. The resolution was rejected by a 58-45 vote, with 27 abstentions. Read More

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