Lessons of the Gaza War



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Lessons of the Gaza War!

Israel is still recovering from this summer’s intense 50-day rocket war with Hamas in Gaza. The new Israeli school year managed to start on time and people are getting ready for the Jewish High Holy Days. But there are still lingering doubts and concerns about the outcome of the recent conflict. And the debate rages on as to whether Israel won or lost this latest battle with Hamas. Now those who contend that Israel won point to the high number of Hamas fighters killed in the war, and the way Hamas eventually dropped all its demands and accepted an unconditional truce. On the other side, many Israelis fear that allowing Hamas to fire 4,000 rockets at Israel over a seven week period has only made the Jewish state a more inviting target for its many other enemies in the region. And finally, those in the middle believe it will still take time to determine who came out on top. So which side can really claim victory in the Third Gaza War of summer 2014? Will Israel be able to keep Hamas from rearming? Is it going to face another UN war crimes investigation over this latest Gaza conflict? And what can Israel learn from the recent confrontation with Hamas? Lessons of the Gaza War! That’s our main feature this week here onFront Page Jerusalem. We’ll take another look back at Israel’s recent battle against Hamas in Gaza, and what Israel can learn from that conflict? Our guest analyst this week will be Dr. Daniel Gordis, an Israeli author and scholar who teaches at the new Shalem College in Jerusalem.

Airing the weekend of September 13, 2014

Available on WWW.FRONTPAGEJERUSALEM.COM on Monday, September 15, 2014

Program Features    

On this week’s program, we’ll look back once more on the recent rocket war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. What lessons can Israel take out of this conflict to be better prepared for the challenges ahead? Our guest analyst this week is Dr. Daniel Gordis, an Israeli author and scholar who serves as senior vice president of the new Shalem College in Jerusalem – Israel’s first liberal arts college. He’s written several books on Jewish thought and current affairs in Israel, and his commentaries are carried in major media sites worldwide. Dr. Gordis sat down this week with Front Page senior producer David Parsons in Jerusalem.


Word From Zion
It’s now time for our Word From Zion segment, when we open the pages of God’s word. This week, David Parsons brings us some biblical insights into why Israel keeps having to fight so many battles to defend itself?

Join hosts Earl Cox, Ben Kinchlow and David Parsons for this week’s Front Page Jerusalem, on a radio station near you or visit our website to download the MP3 and to subscribe to program podcasts

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The Jewish New Year!
In another week, Israelis will celebrate the start of the Jewish New Year, also known asRosh Hashana. This holiday marks not only the start of a new year on the Hebrew calendar. It also marks the beginning of the fall High Holy Days and the period known as the Days of Awe leading up to Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement. Now the Lord actually gave the ancient Israelites two calendar years to follow. One is tied to the agricultural cycle in the Land of Israel and begins in the Spring with the first of Nisan, just two weeks before Passover. Meanwhile, the second calendar is more tied to the span of human history, and is said to date from the day when Adam became a living soul. And this more universal calendar begins with a trumpet blast on Rosh Hashana in which one awakens the soul to prepare to stand before the Lord our Maker. So just what is the biblical significance of Rosh Hashana? What are some of the traditions that have built up around the Jewish New Year? And is Rosh Hashana just for Jews? Or should Christians also be more aware of this biblical holiday and its deeper meaning? The Jewish New Year!That’s our focus next week here on Front Page Jerusalem. We’ll look at the meaning and traditions surrounding the biblical festival of Rosh Hashana – the start of the Jewish New Year. We’ll have a teaching on this special holiday by Dr. Juergen Buehler, the executive director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. And, we’ll also speak about Rosh Hashana with prominent IsraeliRabbi David Rosen – also known as the “Pope’s Rabbi.”

Airing the weekend of September 20, 2014

Available on WWW.FRONTPAGEJERUSALEM.COM on Monday, September 22, 2014

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