From Maine, Maryland, North Carolina To New Mexico Let’s Have a CUP!


Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Good Morning all! We love you!

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It is a very busy time here at the ministry…..gotta get ready for today’s radio program, “The World We Live In” at 12:05pm MT on KDAZ AM730. You can also listen on line at FGGAM.ORG by clicking on the KDAZ banner.

Here is a bit of what we are reporting on today, as Pastor Glen Strock of the Cowboy Church in Pecos, NM says. “Don’t expect Dewey to soft peddle or walk on eggs”

Gov. Martinez And Attorney General King Avoid Sanctity of Life And Marriage

UPDATED 6:08am 9/7/14: Judge Favors Dismissing Glorieta Conference Center Lawsuit

Ed Stetzer and Tomato Worms  Love this by Birga Alden of KDAZ AM730!

We got two great posts today from Karen Rowe and Angel Murchison, keep drinking this CUP of GOODIES!

Saturday we sent out these URGENT PRAYER NEEDS:

Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Just moments ago I got a text from Eldon Savage husband of Shonda Savage who did the CUP yesterday, she is a writer for us here at FGGAM,  that Shonda is in the ER in El Paso, Texas with severe abdominal pains. Let us pray for healing, for relief of pain, Oh Lord we come to you for super natural healing for Shonda, for relief of this pain and peace for Eldon.

We also have this news story posted at FGGAM.ORG   Let us pray for 4 year old Adam Chavez and his mother Melissa Storey…….

Amber Alert For Albuquerque 4 Year Old Boy

Let us also gather here at the CUP and pray for Mirium Arnold. Mirium is the Mother of our Dear friend, Janice Arnold Jones of Albuquerque. Many of you know Janice, who has served our state so well in the past as a State Legislator and also the City of Albuquerque, having served on the City Council. Mirium has stage 4 cancer of the colon, liver and lungs. Please pray for healing for Mirium and for peace and strength for Janice and the entire family.

Let me update you please, Shonda was sent home and is doing good and will do a follow up. The Amber Alert was canceled and Adam and Melissa were found. Adam is with family. It seems there was a family dispute. We continue to pray for little Adam and his family.

Let us continue to pray for Mirium and family! In the name of Jesus, Amen!

We had two winners of the sermon CD “Jesus is worth getting up for”, in celebration of our 2 year anniversary!  Congrats to Michelle Archuleta of Albuquerque, NM and Brandi Greene of Clarksville, Maryland! Both Michelle and Brandi sent us notes…….here they are…we also got a note from Karen of “Hope In Today”

Hi Dewey,

Congratulations on your two year anniversary with FGGAM. I am very proud of you and your obedience to God. God has always lead you and you have always simply allowed Him and listened to the Lords directives, this is a huge part of it and I will continue to read the Daily Cup along with support of prayer to FGGAM and You and Sharon. Thanks for all you do in informing us daily of prayer and needs of others. God Bless You Dewey.

Michelle Archuleta in Albuquerque, NMFreinds of FGGAM Banner

Brother Dewey,
George and I just wanted to congratulate you on two years of FGGAM!! God is really using you and blessing you in this ministry!

George and I are doing well here in Maryland. We found a good church called Pathway Church of God. George is running the sound there and I have joined the praise and worship team, and the choir.

I enjoy reading the cup! We will continue to keep you and Sharon in our prayers!

Praying for continued blessings,
Love George and Brandi Greene in Clarksville, Maryland.

Certainly FGGAM is a blessing to many.


By God’s grace, the Lord has used Pastor Dewey Moede’s ministry gifts, in FGGAM, to bring together many ministries to share in our gifts from God in a way to minister to many.


FGGAM is a place by God’s design, for people to go to find a message of hope, inspiration, or a different view that is in the world –A Christian view, in a Christian way.  It is a place founded by prayer; and a place to go to for prayer!


Today, I celebrate the birth and anniversary of “For God’s Glory Alone Ministries” (FGGAM).


I am grateful to have a place to share the hope that Jesus brings to me –a ministry in me that began with one simple prayer, “God, how can I tell a million people what I know about Jesus?” and Dewey asked me to write for God’s Glory Alone!


Happy 2 year Anniversary Dewey and to FGGAM!


To God be the glory!  I hope this is a blessing to you!!!


Love in Christ,

Karen Rowe

Hope in Today Ministries, Inc. in Efland, North Carolina

“Ministries Supporting Ministries –a Ministry of God’s Word on the Move!”

Let’s read this from Karen………..

 have been thinking a lot about people and the different struggles we find ourselves in because of habits we create!

Patience is a key word to evaluate in this segment!

Temptation is a factor to know and appreciate!

Both Patience and Temptation targets the core of our being in the goodness that we desire in life!

What good thing is on your heart to do right now?  Chances are the root of it is something good –but the way of accomplishing that goal or desire is either God’s way or a God forbidden way.

The Spirit of the Lord has been teaching me in the passages of God’s Word about Peter walking on the water!  I have included this Bible teaching for your convenience to highlight and pray over areas in your life in which Jesus is waiting on you to ask Him how to make a change in your circumstance.  Or, perhaps you are in the middle of a change –on route to a place God has called you to go and you may feel like you are sinking in the stormy seas of your life?  Call out to Jesus, Lord save me!  And Jesus will offer you His hand!

letting go

Yesterday, I woke up with two revelations that are related to my ministry walk with Jesus!  I don’t mind sharing them with you; and I do so today in hope that they are a blessing to you in your Christian walk!

1)      The first was quiet simple:  Lord bid me or forbid me!  I will be obedient!  The disciples knew enough to know that there are different spirits in this world!  Sometimes we can even see them –both beautiful angels appearing; and demonic spirits streaking and lurking.  Before I make a move (even with good intentions) on behalf of my faith in Jesus, I need to ask Jesus, “Lord bid me (or forbid me) to come –or go; or do; or say!”  Discernment in my assignments by God is important!  Because I also have compassion in Jesus, it is important to know my assignment by God!  And, I hope you will also pray for more and more understanding in God’s Word –for I believe it is important for us all to know our assignments by God!  Commitment to obedience for God’s glory in all things is so important!!!

2)      The second deeper understanding the Spirit brought to me yesterday morning was that Jesus has made a real house of hope and the church is the community of strength!  It may not be in a building!  Worship is at the center!  Jesus is the Church!  Jesus is our house of hope!  Together in Christ we make up the community of strength to help others needing a hand up!  Yet –the one needing help has to want it!  And, the hope we share is the source of help, which is Jesus!

The key to life is trusting God and trusting also in Jesus following and staying in step with the Spirit of God He has given us –The Holy Spirit!  I move with compassion more times than not –well always, but the Lord is teaching me that sometimes Jesus said, “No –not at this time.”  You see, Jesus knew his assignment by God and He refused to move a step away from God’s assignment –Jesus knew His purpose was to glorify the Father and bring hope for me and you!  Jesus knew that the good thing he felt compassion to do, would still be done, but that everything must be in God’s time –so that our Father is glorified!!!

Do we have that kind of faith in God’s plan –and in God’s time?  Patience is so important!!!

Are our ministry ways much different than that of the ministry Way of Jesus?  Jesus the Truth the Way and the Life – We just walk in step!

What we do effects other people –We either encourage a life with Christ, or we reflect the Bible poorly.  We either plant a seed (God’s Word) of encouragement; or we inadvertently get in God’s way.  It is so important to know our assignment from God and trust God that He is doing a great work behind the scenes.  Faith doesn’t need proof to know God is trustworthy and powerful to do all things.  Faith is sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see!   Prayer, Patience and obedience (in God’s Every Word) are the powers to unleash the power of the Holy Spirit to work!

I was stuck on the fact that the disciples thought Jesus was a ghost and that even Peter called out, “Lord, if it is you.”  But, yesterday, the Spirit of the Lord woke me up with an amazing revelation from God’s Word!

We need to know that today, just as in the Bible, good spirits and evil spirits do in fact exist!  Peter called out to Jesus, “If it is you Lord, tell me (bid me) to come.”

How much is this valuable lesson still needed in our Christian walk today with Jesus!  We need to ask Jesus, if this is God’s will for me to go here or there or do this or that, bid me to –or forbid me!

God opens doors no man can open and God closes doors no man can close!  Sometimes, it is just not quite time yet –Divine time is different than man’s time!  God is preparing and working all the time in the power of the Holy Spirit!  Our job is to plant seeds and water encouragement –all in the Word of God (the living and written Word from the mouth of God)!  Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God!

That is a terrific study in itself!  But to stay tight to this topic today: Patience in our assignments –Ask Jesus to bid or forbid; and then trust the Lord enough to obey the Word of God that comes to you to bring real hope to others; as well as to our own circumstances!

I will stop here for now, but I encourage you to open the Word of God and pray and learn more about your assignment by God!  You have an incredible purpose; and no doubt Satan will try to invade!

But greater is He in the power of the Holy Spirit who lives in you, than he (the enemy of God and of you) who is in the world!

Matthew 14:22-33New International Version (NIV)

Jesus Walks on the Water

22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, 24 and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.

27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

29 “Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said,“why did you doubt?”

32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

A Temptation comes to you and me to fulfill a God given desire in a God forbidden way!

1 Corinthians 10:13New International Version (NIV)

13 No temptation[a] has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted[b] beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted,[c] he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

Love in Christ,

Karen Rowe

Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.

The Train Whistle, Sounding the call of God’s Love

And here is a wonderful post from Angel Murchison in Presque Isle, Maine………….

This morning as I awoke I began to thank the Lord for this day. I began to think about the Linked meeting I attended last Saturday at Family Christian Center here in Presque Isle, Maine. Women from several churches gathered together for a meeting called My Cup Runneth Over. It’s so nice when churches can come together. It’s ok if we don’t agree on everything but let the Word of God speak for itself. Jesus said where there is unity he commands a blessing, and a blessing it was from the love of our Father. I laughed as Pastor G. interviewed church folk on her staged Saturday Morning Show for this meeting. I tried to forget the cookie dipped in chocolate I ate from the coffee shop as she interviewed Dr. Ayo. I laugh as she said we don’t have Dr. O we have our own Dr. AO. She encouraged us to eat healthy, exercise, and gave us knowledge about the connection of mind, body, soul and spirit. In addition the meeting was blessed by a video shared by Vicky Gehring of her daughter This is My Fathers World (Check this out on You Tube).
I hurried home and finished cooking the turkey dinner for my daughter’s birthday and paused for a bit to interview James from the band Kutless on the song Look What Faith Can Do. That song has been such a blessing to me personally and will be a great interview for my radio broadcast here on WFST. I made my way North to visit my daughter, son-in-law and my grandson Emmett to celebrate his mom’s special day. I remember the birth of my children just like it was yesterday. Not the pain of the birth itself but the joy that filled that room as their lives was being brought forth.
On the drive home I recollected some good memories of raising three beautiful daughters here in Aroostook County. It brought to mind a sermon I heard years ago by Pastor Rick Kavanaugh formerly of Presque Isle, Maine. He delivered the Word of God with such anointing you didn’t want to miss a single meeting. One of my favorite sermons he preached was What a Difference a Day Can Make. I find that to be so very true. As I continued my journey towards home today, I decided to stop for a church service in Van Buren. Pastor Gary Theriault taught on BELIEVING the promises of God in his storefront church called Soteria. It was a powerful meeting. I continue to drive towards home and stop to pick a card for my oldest daughter as she is expecting her third child in April. The clerk in whom I have known for many years, thought I should know how well she was treated by my middle daughter that works at the local hospital. This clerk had spent a lot of time there with aging parents. I hear those words often about my daughter and we both chuckled today as I told her she will need to start her own ER fan club. I pray for the mate she will marry someday. I know he will be blessed by the kindness and gifting God has placed within her. I journey on and stop to look at a shirt that I thought might fit another daughter as she carries my fourth grandchild.
I so believe in life and paused for a few moments and thought about the interview I had done with Shadia Hrichi on her bible study Worthy of Love. So many people looking for love in all the wrong places. She shared her experiences and how the Lord brought healing into her life. She is a pro-life speaker across this globe. Many teens and women’s ministries are using her bible study today to bring them to a deeper freedom in him. She has written several books. (Check this out on Amazon)
I stop for a few moments and pray with a lady in the store that was feeling condemned for divorcing her husband. She tried hard to explain she couldn’t make it work. I remind her of God’s Word that states: There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Also whom the son sets free is free indeed. Amen. Yes, I think you should try hard to save a marriage but sometimes YOU have to bring to an end the very thing that doesn’t get any better. She smiled and I gave her a hug and we both journeyed on. I glanced over and recognized the face of a lady sitting on the mall bench looking a bit downcast. She smiled at me as I started to walk past she reached out for my hand. I prayed for her, encouraged her that God had a good plan for her life. Her boyfriend asked her to leave after many years together. Starting over in her seventies must be frightening. I prayed the God of all hope would encounter her on this day (Romans 15:13). I continued to make my way to my car (the one an elderly lady hit on Friday and we decided to exchange a hug in lieu of her insurance card).
Today, wherever you find yourself, pause and reflect on the day you were born and your journey so far. If you need to make some changes it’s ok. Have you made some mistakes, we all have. Every day is a new beginning. Your redeemer paid the ultimate price for your life, so be blessed today. He paid the price for us all. If you don’t know him, I encourage you today to invite him in your life and ask him thru the power of the Holy Spirit to guide you. Have yourself a great day and today may he lead you to shed some kindness to a hurting world. This is my prayer today as I declare the Word around this globe as it is written in my Bible Psalm 24.
The earth is the LORD’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. 2 For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place? 4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.5 He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.6 This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah. 7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 8 Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.10 Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.
Oh, What a difference a day can make……

Thank you Angel!

Thank you for coming by for a CUP!

For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team

Let us keep praying for each other and our families and neighbors

And all of God’s people said, AMEN!Daily Cup


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