New Mexico Has Millions Invested in this Man


News and Views-Dewey
Richard Branson: 'subsidy junkie'.This is the man that has the New Mexico Governor and Legislature tied up in knots, and also us tax payers!  Listen folks, we are not paying enough attention to this thing called the Spaceport, it is a ‘White Elephant’ as New Mexico Government caters to this Billionaire, New Mexico is stuck in this deal. Do you really want your tax dollars going to this man? How come we are not hearing any outrage form our Governor or Legislators on this rotten use of our tax dollars? What does this all mean to the 20 some percent of New Mexican children that our hungry today? What does this mean to the unemployed people of New Mexico? What does this mean to the awful economy of New Mexico? What does this mean to the small business person in Reserve, New Mexico? If the state was swimming in money, MAYBE I would consider this, but we are sucking the bottom of the economic pit, I see it and feel it everyday with the people of New Mexico. Here is an article on found that I encourage you to read: Billionaire Richard Branson may be the coolest boss ever. The Virgin Group
founder believes people should be able to take time off work whenever they want
— no questions asked. Workers Walk Line in Employer’s Unlimited Vacation Policies.

By the way KRQE TV is reporting this: Virgin Galactic pushed back the flight to space again. Meaning it will be longer before the Spaceport sees a payoff

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