Could the Staging of Obama’s Speech Reveal His Intention


It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. The president’s staff certainly weren’t paying attention to the stage from which the president of the United States spoke. What do you see when you take another look at President Obama from last night as spoke to the nation on the true nature of the Islamic State.
Horns on Obama

As the president lectured the nation on his belief that the Islamic State was neither Islamic or a state, you may not have noticed the curtain behind his head. His staff apparently did not. It seems the president of the United States is sporting horns.

It may be totally coincidental, but it occurs to me that Mr. Obama does not want to be honest about the threat we face or the solution he proposes and therefore the horns created by an illusion of the stage and the angle of the camera reveal a possible source of the president’s definitions of ISIS or ISIL and America’s response.

I have no hatred for Islam. The bible is clear that any person or organization that denies that Jesus is the Son of God is anti-Christ. This is what defines Islam from the so called moderates to the so called extremists.

The horns speak volumes.


  1. Y’all are fools and idiots. If you watch the actual video from the site and not some photoshopped image from the likes of Conspiratorial sites like NTEB and others, you’d see the curtain loops are far ABOVE his head… the entire time. Who else was there, during the video, that can PROVE what that image shows was an actual video angle and not a singular Photoshopped image. But no one can show it… because it DOESN’T exist.

    I’m no Obama lover… I’m not a Democrat… I think he’s ruining our country (deliberately or not) and ruining our moral fiber. But I’m not going to believe everything negative about the man, just because I don’t like what he represents or what his policies are. Truth is truth… and I don’t stand for lies proposed as truth.

    Be wise enough to know when you’re being lied to.

  2. No, this isn’t photoshopped.

    In an article from USA Today, they have an AFP/Getty Images showing the “horns.” The photographers from the press were at floor level while the camera crew was at the back of the room at a different angle, which is why you won’t find it captured on video. You’ll also find the image on FOX News, Slate, Business Insider, National Review… you get the idea. It’s a very real image.

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