The Times and Signs


Dear family of our Lord Jesus Christ & faithful Daily Cup readers,

If all images do not show for you in your CUP, make sure and go to FGGAM.ORG

Good day to you all! Thank you for joining us here on the “Cup.” I’m Shonda Savage an inspirational writer at and I’m filling in for Dewey today.

happy anniversaryLet’s give God praise as we continue to celebrate the 2nd Anniversary of FGGAM! Dewey and Sharon are faithful stewards of what God has entrusted them. Also let’s remember to pray for them as they head up this ministry, that as reports show, are reaching thousands and thousands around the globe!

We thank God for what HE is doing and working through this ministry and we thank you, our faithful readers and supporters of the ministry for taking part of what God is doing here at FGGAM.

We just got this word of ANSWERED PRAYER from Anita Price on her hubby Craig who we have been praying for! PTL!

Hi Dewey,
Prayers are answered. Craig’s lymph nodes and other specimens’ came back and he is cancer free!!! Thank You Jesus!!!! And thank you for the prayers. He’s still in the hospital but getting better.
Just wanted you to know the good news.

Anita in Sidney, Montana

Thank you all for your prayers for Craig! Anita, we love you and Craig so much! Let us continue to pray healing over Craig!! In Jesus name, Amen! Let us PRAISE GOD!

Here’s some anniversary feedback from a few of our readers:

Dewey, You are so amazing!  Thank you for FGGAM and for being my friend for so long.  Love your ministry!  It reaches so many people.  Congratulations on you 2 year anniversary!
Vickie Cannavale in Albuquerque, New Mexico


What a blessing it was to see your wonderful encouragement to folks to subscribe to the Baptist New Mexican. Know that we really appreciate it … and you BUNCHES! I hope all is well with you!
John L. Loudat
Editor, Baptist New Mexican in Albuquerque, NM

Hi Dewey,
In the years I’ve known Dewey he has displayed a variety of sides that surely cause God to smile down on a faithful servant. From his years at KKIM (Albuquerque Christian radio) to his newest call from God (For God’s Glory Alone Ministries) he tirelessly furthers the Kingdom of God. His encouragement of novice speakers and amazing testimonies of average people graced the radio waves from in a genuine and effective grass roots way. And now, he has taken his godly gift and created FFGAM which surely is mission from God.
Dewey has a boldness for the things of God that should inspire us all to shine brighter. Many Christians shy away from controversy, but Dewey dives in headfirst with God’s truth–controversy or not. FFGAM not only shares a Christian perspective with the world, but shares the hard things when necessary. All in grace, all in truth, and all to shine the Light of Jesus to a hungry and hurting world.
FGGAM is growing and is a great example of what it looks like honor God — the sacrifices, the controversy, and getting kicked around in the trenches that often originate from the spiritual realm. Keep up the good work, Dewey. Keep honoring God and congratulations on 2 years strong and getting stronger!!
Shona Neff of White Rock, NM
Personality Mechanic
We have some winners for the Charles Stanley book, Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit. The winners are:
Vickie Cannavale of Albuquerque, NM
Robin White of Clovis, CA
Since we are having so much fun celebrating our 2nd Anniversary, we’re having another give away today. The first two people who email Dewey Moede will win a CD of his sermon, “Jesus is Worth Getting Up For.” Ready, set, go… but be sure to come back and finish this Cup!

We thank you for taking time for a Cup today. Today I share what is on my heart and the brew may be a bit strong.

Over the past six years, I have stumbled into an aspect of studying Scriptures that my mind had never conceived before. That is from a Hebraic perspective. All the years of studying Scripture prior to that was from my own point of view based on my west Texas American lifestyle. However, as I continued to study God’s word, I came to the realization that the Scriptures were penned by Hebrews, written by Jews, our Messiah—Jesus Christ—is a Jew, and God’s Salvation comes through the Jews (John 4:22). So I began my quest to understand Scriptures from a Hebraic/Jewish cultural viewpoint.

So in my quest, it has become clear to me there are many cultural differences. I have learned that God established a calendar and operates on a different timetable than our western civilization. (Remember the cliche that God is never early and He is never late!)

Pastor Paul Holt here at FGGAM writes posts explaining Scriptures from a Hebrew point of view and some of the signs we need to watch for. At the end of this post, I have included some of Pastor Paul’s links to his posts for further inspiration. But one of the post popular posts have been about the four Blood Moons of 2014 and 2015.

repent-turnbackThese are signs and we need to pay attention to them. Often times we drive right by the signs and never notice them. However we need to stop and take notice to what God is saying to us. By the way, the next blood moon will be on October 8, 2014, on the the Lord’s Feast of Sukkot, which is also known as the Feast of Tabernacles.

However, before the Feast of Tabernacles there are several other significant times on the Hebrew calendar. Presently we are in the Hebrew month of Elul (August 27-September 24). According to, “Elul is the 6th month of the Biblical calendar (late summer/early fall), the month set apart for repentance, or teshuvah, in spiritual preparation for the High Holidays (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur).”

This is the time we are to seek the presence of our Savior, Jesus Christ fervently. And as we seek Him, we ask “What wrongs have I committed against others and God?” “What habits or thought patterns do I need to correct?” “Have I used God’s blessings and gifts wisely?” This is a time to take personal inventory and allow God to cleanse us and renew us.

So many of us desperately desire revival in our land and in our world. We see the atrocities unfolding before us and lament. Yet we have the power of God to effectively initiate the change we desire. God has enabled and equipped with with the power of prayer. Specifically, the prayer of repentance.


John the Baptist taught repentance and baptism. He said to those he baptized, “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance” (Luke 3:8).

We are to keep repenting. Why? Because when we sin, our relationship with the Lord is severed. Repentance restores our relationship with our Lord.

What kind of things do we, as believers need to repent of? Consider some of the following: apathy, complacency, slothfulness, envy, pride, greed, compromises with darkness, omission, things done in secret (God sees and knows what that is), and (this next one really hit me) failure to fulfill our calling.

When we turn to God, confess our sins, then He is faithful to forgive us of our sins. (See 1 John 1:9) God loves us so much that He does not want to leave us in the mess we made. He will take us and we will be made new and whole through our honest confession. He will take our messes and give us a message of His grace to share with others.

turn around find mercy

My friends, as believers in Christ, we do not need to fear the future but spiritually prepare for it by turning to God through repentance. As we enter into these upcoming seasons and see the signs God is giving to us, our hearts need to desire what is on God’s heart. It is His desire that “No one perish but have everlasting life.” Christ desires to come and dwell (or tabernacle) with us — all of whosoever will.

Because of uncertainty, these are days that the hearts of unbelievers in our sphere of influence are ready to receive the message of the good news. The question is, Are we spiritually prepared and ready to share the hope we have in Christ with them?

As we finish our Cup today, let’s pray this prayer found in the Psalms, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24). Amen!

God bless you all!

Shonda Savage

For additional inspiration from Pastor Paul Holt’s previous posts:

The Blood Moons of 2014

US Stocks Drop Two Days Ahead of Blood Moon

Earthquakes and the First Blood Moon

Shavuot Giving of the Word and Spirit

Purim A Celebration of the Defeat of Evil

Thanksgiving and Hanukkah

What is in a Name

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Thank you for coming by for a CUP today!

For God’s Glory alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team

Let us keep praying for each other and our families and neighbors!

And all of God’s people said, AMEN!

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