Complaining to others is another matter altogether


This was sent us us by FGGAM friend Sonja Haldeman in Surprise, Arizona: keep calm
Today’s Jesus Calling devotion spoke to me and I would like to share it with you.

“You have been on a long, uphill journey, and your energy is almost spent. Though you have faltered at times, you have not let go of My hand. I am pleased with your desire to stay close to Me. There is one thing, however, that displeases Me: your tendency to complain. You may talk to Me as much as you like about the difficulty of the path we are following. I understand better than anyone else the stresses and strains that have afflicted you. You can ventilate safely to Me because talking with Me tempers your thoughts and helps you see things from My perspective.

Complaining to others is another matter altogether. It opens the door to deadly sins such as self-pity and rage. Whenever you are tempted to grumble, come to Me and talk it out. As you open up to Me, I will put My thoughts in your mind and My song in your heart.”

Jeremiah 31:25; Philippians 2:14-15

God bless you friend!

In Jesus abundant love,

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