The Daily Jot: Ebola, EV-D68 and our ministry work, Part 1…

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Ebola, EV-D68 and our ministry work, Part 1

I have seen countless emails forwarded by Christians that claim the Ebola scare is just that–a scare, perhaps even another government red flag event (if you are a practicing conspiracy junkie). I can tell you this: The lack of security on the US border and the poor processes used by government officials who are supposed to protect Americans could be a deadly combination to you or your child. The government has allowed, even forced the mainstreaming of illegal alien children into our public schools and they do not have to meet even the basic health requirements of citizen children. Ebola and EV-D68 are a threat. How we handle that threat is key. Don’t expect much from the government.

The sooner you decide that you must take your own steps to protect your family from unnecessary risk, the less anxiety and actual risk you will experience. The government is not going to protect your family from disease any more than it will protect your family from Islamic colonization and all the barbaric risks it poses. The government has another agenda, and your health and safety, your Constitutional rights, are not part of that agenda. We could learn a thing or two from our ministry work in Ghana, West Africa. The government there has the desire to protect its people, but it does not have the resources. Our ministry partner, William Agbeti, a true pastor and man of God, understood this from the onset.

He explained: “A recent outbreak of cholera exposed how porous the country has become owing to poor personal and public hygiene, as the disease claimed close to 100 lives and affected thousands. Right on the heels of cholera now comes the outbreak of the ebola virus disease (EVD), which is sweeping across parts of the sub-region, claiming in its wake hundreds of lives and infecting several others on a daily basis; putting everyone in this country on edge.” Family members, friends, neighbors, students, church members and the entire nation noted for its culture of handshake, are no longer shaking hands. Fear is rife among the populace that the nation is not ready to deal with the EVD, should Ghana record a case.”

Our ministry in Ghana trains up pastors to go into the rural areas and establish churches. These rural areas also happen to be targets of Islam. The people are poor. They are unreachable by the government. The Christian churches refuse to venture out into this dangerous and underserved area. Pastor Agbeti wanted to protect these folks from an outbreak of EVD and spread the gospel instead. He prayed about it and enlisted our support. Point is, putting your trust in government won’t save you. Psalm 20.7 says, “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.” We must first determine to remember and listen to the LORD. From there, we must act. In the days ahead, the Daily Jot will share how we protect our church family and share the gospel in Ghana. It will work here, too.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries thanks Bill Wilson and

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