Don’t Be Fooled By a Political Mailer, Sign or Radio or TV Ad!


News and Views-DeweyI can’t stand all these politicians sending mailers to my home, sticking their ‘political bags’ on my garage door and on my front door and putting signs in my yard without my permission. One Albuquerque politician put four large political signs in my yard last year without my permission! This stuff is out of control, it looks horrible throughout the city with all these signs up! I call it ‘visual pollution’. Who votes for someone because of a sign? I know about top of the mind awareness, I used to teach marketing to radio sales people. I was concerned when people were going around our neighborhood yesterday putting those yellow baggies on garage doors, even when they had already put them on the front door, LOL!, anyhow home burglaries are rampant in our city and if those remain on the house for a day or two it is a open door for a burglar. Don’t laugh, our house was broken into 2 months ago. These thugs watch houses for inactivity. I am not going to get into all the lies, broken promises and mudslinging  that most of these folks are saying in their radio/TV ads. The bottom line here is the people’s business is not being done. As Mark Twain said, “The only difference between a Republican and Democrat is the spelling. Please do your research before you vote, and please vote, it is your duty as a citizen of this Country. Don’t be fooled by a mailer, a bag!!!, a sign, or a radio or TV ad, for heavens sake!

The ‘nothing noise’ of American politics continues………


wehpolitical signs 2Gary King 3

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