You Gotta SwitchAside from inviting people to come to our play Switch I don’t believe I have shared what it meant to me. I probably need to say something because if I don’t I may get stuck in a time warp. In other words time goes on but your mind and memory are somewhere else. Does this happen to you?

My brother Michael died in the middle of our 2 week 10 show run. That was hard. Between life and the play it was hard to get a break. When the show ended I was in Oregon pastoring Michaels memorial service. I wrote the play and the character I played was similar to Michael. My character Jeremy also had a 6 months ” to live” prognosis from his best friend and doctor. Was I influenced by Michael? Yes.

Shakespeare says ” the plays the thing”. He also says “the worlds a stage”. I was and am influenced by what I learn and experience in life. Life, like face book, is a place to express my feel and take on life with the community I live in.

“The worlds a stage” Shakespeare

For me to experience dialogue with the actors from what I wrote and to see new story from others adapting my story was a journey into time and space. I was adapting the story of my cast . When Shakespeare says ” all the worlds a stage ” I don’t think he is thinking a big stage but something small and personal. The stage that is life is personal and your story is very important. When you connect your story into the others lives…. like inter connecting freeways , ones story goes from important to vital.

Switch was a deeply profound statement . It was like life itself , so intense it was funny.Its good to see the funny of life. The ebb and flow of birth , death, hope, victory, despair, has intensity built into it. There is no escaping that no one escapes suffering.

Maybe I will share more re Switch the actual play someday but for now I want to thank our cast and crew for traveling with us and us with you. For
those 270 who saw the play it was sooo good to see you and share a slice of life together. Life requires real acting not performing. Things are un raveling and therefore coming together and becoming more clear. Don’t be afraid to just be……”lose yourself in Me”

On earth as it is in heaven is where it all plays out and comes together.


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Dennis Cole
Originally from New York, Dennis Cole completed his undergraduate degree at Northeastern University in Boston, Mass. in 1971 and studied acting in Boston and NYC where he earned his Actor's Equity membership in 1975 after completing several New York stage productions. He was saved from the "Broad Way that leads to destruction" in 1983. After entering through the Narrow Gate that leads to life, he was called into ministry. In 1986 he attended Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Mass. and completed his Master of Ministry degree 2 years later at Azusa Pacific Graduate School of Theology in southern California in 1988. That same year he and his wife Wendy entered into full time pastoral ministry. Dennis was a senior pastor from 1988 until 2002 in churches in California, Oregon and Michigan and Indiana., In 2001 Dramatic Christian Ministries was founded and became a full time ministry organization in 2002. He now travels extensively throughout the United States and other parts of the world presenting the Bible in the first person through acting. Dramatic Christian Ministries and the Narrow Gate Theatre bring the Bible in the first person to people in order to fully minister the Word of God. The focus of this drama ministry is to equip and uplift the church and to show the way to eternal life to the unsaved. Acting according to His Word invites people to encounter the Bible as it was first "breathed" by the Holy Spirit. Dennis also teaches acting in his recently started school and is involved in producing and directing live theatrical performances in Albuquerque, NM.

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