A Heart for God!!


Your Bible Boost

Pastor Leonard Navarre


A Heart for God!!

Matthew 6:33


King David made several big mistakes in his life. Yet, he was called a man after God’s own heart and was mightily used by the Lord to lead the Israelites. Do you know what set him apart from others?  I believe it was the priority he placed on his relationship with the heavenly Father.  Notice the word – priority.  If we are honest, we can say that we do exactly what we set our minds to do.  I can pretty well tell what your priority is by looking at your check book and your day timer.  What we spend our money on and where we spend our time really determines our priorities.

David delighted in knowing God and sought Him earnestly.  He wrote, “My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You in a dry and weary land,”!  You know where he was when he wrote that verse…yep…in the wilderness.  David declared that God’s love was better than life and pledged to praise Him all his days (Ps. 63:1, 3-4).

David viewed the world from a God-centered perspective.  He marveled at the Lord’s creative power in the world, relied on Him for protection and strength, and proclaimed allegiance in his writings.  He also prayed fervently and frequently, lifting requests in the morning and expectantly awaiting a response (Ps. 5:3).  At night he would continue communing with God (Ps. 63:6).

Both actions–praying and meditating on God’s character–fueled his trust in the Lord. His faith sustained him throughout life: when he was a shepherd boy protecting sheep from attacks by wild animals, when as young man defeating the giant Goliath, and then as the nation’s anointed leader even to escaping King Saul’s murderous plans. Whatever his circumstances, he sought the Lord and gave priority to their relationship.

The Psalms record David’s desire to know God and be known by Him.  He sought the Lord’s guidance through prayer and had a heart for Him. Jesus invites us to draw near and spend our time learning from Him, “come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28-29).

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you”! (Matthew 6:33)

Have you made following Jesus Christ the priority of your life?fire-heaven-heart

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