NM Secretary of State Very Concerned About Rio Rancho Voters


FGGAM News just received this news release from the New Mexico Secretary of State, Dianna Duran:

duran-diannaSecretary of State Dianna Duran today expressed concern with Sandoval County’s appeal of a federal court order issued last month.

In September, the US District Court in Albuquerque ordered voting protections for residents of Sandoval County, specifically requiring the county

clerk to ensure that adequate voting locations, resources and equipment are available to voters in Rio Rancho.  Sandoval County appealed the

decision yesterday.


Duran issued the following statement:

“I am very concerned about this case, as I am when any group of people is disenfranchised.


Sandoval County said in open court last month that they took full responsibility for their failure of

Rio Rancho voters in the 2012 election, and apologized for it.  They pledged that they would provide

adequate resources to ensure that Rio Rancho voters are not deprived of their right to vote in 2014.


Now, they are reversing themselves, going back on their word, and deciding not to take responsibility.

That is wrong.


I certainly hope, for the voters’ sake, that their appeal is denied, and they are compelled to follow the

directive of the court and dedicate the resources to Rio Rancho voters that the court has ordered them to.”

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