Reaction to Pastor Mark Driscoll’s Resignation


Mark Driscoll and wifeLet us pray for all the folks at Mars Hill and Pastor Mark Driscoll and his wife. Yesterday I stopped into to see one of my friends who attends Mars Hill here in Albuquerque to see how he was doing with the news that Pastor Mark resigned this week. I have many friends that attend Mars Hill. I still can hear the excitement in their voices when they joined Mars Hill in Albuquerque and their love for Pastor Mark. All my friends are doing okay, they are sad for what has taken place but still love their Church, more importantly they love our Lord. Hurt has taken place, let us be in constant prayer for healing at Mars Hill.  The Christian Post has this story on the reaction to Pastor Mark Driscoll’s resignation:

Reaction to Mark Driscoll’s Resignation Includes Sadness, Gratitude From Mars Hill Community:

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