When my girls were little and we’d go shopping or out into the community I wanted them as close to my side as I could get them. As long as I was able I carried them or had them in a stroller for safeties sake. I was quite the nervous Nellie when it came to their protection. As they grew older it grew more difficult to keep them reigned in to my side and eventually as all good parents do I had to lessen my grip on the reigns and see if my training had stuck. It didn’t always… they had lessons to learn on their own, but many of the lessons did stick because I see them re-teaching them with their own children today.
God, Who’s not a nervous Nellie, still makes it a practice to keep His children close, but much like our own children we have a tendency to stray a little further and further away each day. If every day were like Sunday we’d likely be in great shape; we’d stay on fire and in focus. But then comes Monday, and Tuesday and by Wednesday we’re a pretty good piece from the Lord. However, if we attend Wednesday Night Bible Study that reigns us back in again, but by Saturday our focus is askew once more.
When my Tiffani was about three or four we were in the Mall at JC Penney’s shopping and she decided she would play in the circular clothing wrack. She climbed up into the center of it and was concealed by the clothes. In a minute or two I went into a frantic panic looking for her. She finally popped up out of the center just when I was on the verge of a heart attack. She was playing…I was sick. Although we’re never out of God’s sight we’re away from His protection when we continue to stray further and further into the world. Deuteronomy asks the question this morning “Are you as close as you once were?”
A Reason to Cleave
Deuteronomy 4:4-6
4 But ye that did cleave unto the Lord your God are alive every one of you this day.
The children of Israel were literally alive because they were close to the Lord. We’re physically alive because of His grace, but we stay spiritually alive when we stay close to Him through His word and service. God is not for Sunday only, but for every day. I love that old hymn
I need Thee, oh, I need Thee;
Every hour I need Thee;
Oh, bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.
That’s how we’re blessed by staying up close the Savior every hour of the day, in constant need of His presence. I’ve played the hiding game with the Lord that Tiffani played with me at the mall. I’ve gotten wrapped up in pretty things and knew in my heart that the Lord was near by waiting for me to pop back up by His side. The problem with that game is the same problem that I had with Tiffani, although she knew where she was, she couldn’t see me, and some creep could have been hovering close by to snatch her out of my life. Makes me nauseous just to think about it. It makes me sick to think about how many times I’ve gotten away from the Lord and from his blessings to cleave to the world for a little bit.
I hope today finds you cleaving, believing and receiving the goodness of God.