Satanic: Teens Massacre More Than 900 Chickens


The St. Paul Pioneer Press is reporting this story out of Fresno, California:  What are we doing to our children? We are failing our children by not bringing them up in the ways of God.  Deputies in central California have arrested four kids who are suspected of breaking into a Foster Farms chicken ranch and killing more than 900 chickens with a golf club.

Fresno County California Sheriff’s Department acting on several tips  tracked down 18-year-old Gabriel Quintero of Riverdale. Also taken into custody were two juvenile males, ages 15 and 17, from Caruthers, and a third juvenile male, age 17, from Lemoore. All have been booked on charges of burglary and felony cruelty to animals. This took place yesterday.satan

This is satanic, this is not of God. A mind of satan cannot please God. It is sad day when the latest survey shows that over 50% of so called Christians in America do not believe in satan or hell. This is of the depraved mind. The mind of the natural man is ‘blinded’ 2 Cor. 4:4, “depraved” Romans 1:28, “corrupt”  1: Tim 6:5, and” unspiritual” Col. 2:18. The natural mind thinks from a humanistic, sin-debased viewpoint. The viewpoint of the flesh directs it’s thoughts, it is not of God. In everything we do and say it should be to please God.

We pray for the boys to be delivered from this hell they are living in, we pray for clear minds! We pray for a mind of God.  We pray this in Jesus name, Amen!


  1. It seams that our kids are always looking for ways to fit in the “in” crowd not realizing that they’re going down the wrong path. We need to constantly have our kids in prayer. Thank God for good Christian people like Dewey Moede for diligent with Gods word.

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