UPDATED: 2nd Ebola Patient Took Plane Day Before Symptoms Showed: Second Texas Health Care Worker Tests Positive For Ebola


Ebola outbreakUPDATED:


Let us be in prayer this morning, we have much to pray about in this world we live in, the defeat of the Islamic State and the Ebola virus which has killed over 4,000 people. We must be in constant prayer. We must pray for revival in the United States and the world.  A second health worker in Texas has tested positive for Ebola, officials said
Wednesday, in a new contamination far from the west African heart of an epidemic
the UN warned was “winning the race”. There were no guidelines on how to
discard the Liberian patient’s soiled towels and linens, they added.


Please read this post

Prayer WORKS! By Pastor Leonard Navarre, let us all commit to be in constant prayer.

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