Veiled Vision


Veiled Eyes1 Corinthians 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

Today I am baking pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and thinking about what we allow our eyes to see and what we allow our imaginations to whip up. I’m thinking of a story I heard about a teenage boy asking his dad if he could go to the movies. When his dad asked which movie, his son said, “Well, it’s R rated but only has a little nudity and language. It’s just a little dad. ” His dad told him he couldn’t go but that his friends could come over and he would rent a movie for them. The friends came and the dad went into the kitchen to bake brownies for the guys. While mixing up the brownies, he added just a little teeny bit of dog poop into the batter and baked them up. He brought the brownies out and told the boys, “Now before you eat these, I want you to know that I put just a teeny bit of dog poop in the batter. It’s just a teeny bit though.” Kind of drastic, but the point was well taken.

I’ve been talking with Holy Spirit on seeing things as He does and birthing His truths in my imagination to see them manifested physically. I asked Him to help me and He told me to go to James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unstained from the world.

He told me it clouds my vision when I stain myself with worldly thoughts. How does this happen? Watching and reading things that don’t glorify God. I’m not saying they are bad things. They don’t have nudity and cursing, but they just don’t edify me. Even listening to secular music can cloud your vision. You can be in Walmart and hear a song that flashes you back to a time you don’t want to be flashed back to.  It’s important to keep feeding ourselves spiritual food. Don’t depend on just your Sunday and Wednesday night teachings, but dig into the Bible for yourself and ask Holy Spirit to reveal truths to you. Think on them, meditate on them and chew on them.

I have seen the truth of keeping my mind on spiritual things in my own walk with the Lord. The more I feed myself spiritually, the more discernment I have, the more peace and love I walk in, and the more Christ is allowed to minister through me. In the picture above, I can see with the veil on but not clearly. In the natural, if I am all wrapped around the axle about something I saw on the news, how do I expect to minister to anyone in that mode?

Am I saying not to watch, read or listen to anything secular? No. That is between you and the Lord, but this I know……when my mind is stayed on the Lord, good things happen. Dig in for yourself and allow Holy Spirit to reveal truths to you. You’ll be glad you did. Have a glorious day in Him!


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