Wielding Steel


VincyWielding Steel

I remember growing up…wanting badly to be bigger like my sister and brothers…My older brother Keith(11 years my senior), my sister Corrine(10 years older), and my brother Imrich(preceding me by 4 years), all were the coolest cats in our small town of North Judson. On good days they would let me play with them, and on great days, with their friends. We had fun playing war and multiple games that helped to construct the future tomboy I was meant to be. One game that Imrich and I enjoyed encompassed swords…normally long sticks from our friendly trees. I couldn’t quite beat him, but I always gave him a run for his money. I pretended that I held a mighty sword, not much different than the one found in the classic Disney movie “Sword in the Stone”. Every clack of wood, was a shining chink of metal in my ears….I was one BAD Samurai.Suffice to say that my love for swordplay began at an early age.

Strange to think that now, my version of fighting has changed. It can relate to marriage(and I have had my fair share in that arena)parenting…..working. You name it, I have fought for and through it. Just living is enough to bring on the battle. I fight long and hard for what I believe in. I slice and dice my foes as quickly as possible. Instead of a burly brother, I now face fear, insecurity, anger, and numerous other things that the enemy of my heart brings on.

When my sword is dull, I lose. Sharp and ready, I win. It’s as easy as that….I long to Wield Steel that defeats.

For those of you that know me, you know I am talking about the Word of God. Here is what I know to be truth:
Hebrews 4:12
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

This is TRUE Wielding Steel, this…is what I want. To be better, fight harder, last longer in the battle of life, and one day, stand with my hands held high, arms open wide in victory. One day…..until then, I will walk it out right here. I LOVE transparency, I think it is the key to true relationship, and to true growth. I hope that being real will help to bring about true clarity in my own life, and maybe yours too :)
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I am Vincy Willamowski, a wife for 15 years and a mother of six beautiful kids. I've been a radio personality for over 17 years. For a long time I felt my "calling" was simply speaking to people over the airwaves. Things have changed in the last few years. I felt and feel led to share my life story with as many people as I can. The story that God has given me isn't pretty, nor is it always easy to repeat, but through it His grace has turned my "mourning into dancing!" My life verse is Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I believe God's plans for each and every one of us are GOOD! What seems impossible, can be made whole. What feels like the end of the road can turn into the beginning! His future isn't always how we pictured our own, but once we catch His vision, we can finally LIVE! For so long I was burdened by guilt and fear, two triggers in my life that had control. God has given me insights into how to disable to enemy, and cause him to run in fear from the God that is within me! I hope to speak life, God's wonderful life, into each and every heart that I come into contact with. May God bless you all richly!

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