Ebenezer Scrooge Production Coming to Albuquerque



Dear Friends,
We are excited to announce our newest live theatrical production, Ebenezer Scrooge! This is a play we’ve wanted to produce for the holidays for a long time and now our wish is coming to pass!  Please pass on this information to your friends and family; we want as many to come as are able to.  Information is below as well as how to purchase advanced tickets.  We are in full rehearsals now.  Dennis Cole has adapted this play from the original classic “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens.  We have a very large cast and original music and lyrics by Dennis Cole and Lara Moore.  As always, thanks so very much for praying for and supporting this ministry.
We look forward to seeing you at  EBENEZER SCROOGE! Play production will be held at Heights Christian Church, 6935 Comanche NE, Albuquerque, NM 505-881-9889
Tickets: Adults: $12, Seniors/Child under 12: $10, Group 10 0r more: $8.00 each.
Advanced Ticket Sales: dcministries.com/theater.html or call 505-259-1282



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