Netanyahu Steps Up Warnings on Iran


Iran's renegade nuclear program (Illustrative)With a 24 November deadline for a deal to resolve international concerns over Iran’s renegade nuclear program looming, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave an interview to the CBS “Face the Nation” program Sunday in which he urged viewers to “Look at what ISIS [Islamic State] is doing now with assault rifles and pickup trucks. Just imagine what Iran would do if it had nuclear weapons. I think it’s important to continue the sanctions. The alternative to a bad deal is not war. The alternative to a bad deal is more sanctions, tougher sanctions, that will make Iran dismantle its capacity to make nuclear bombs.” The interview was part of a broad public relations campaign the Israeli government is engaged in ahead of next week’s deadline, with diplomats of the P5+1 nuclear powers (US, UK, France, Russia, China and Germany) sending mixed signals about the probable outcome of talks. Read More

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