Report: Voting Problems Once Again in Rio Rancho, NM


Sandoval County, N.M.

Rio Rancho votingVoting Fiasco Being Repeated in Rio Rancho, New Mexico.

Rio Rancho– State Senator Craig Brandt (R-40) who represents Rio Rancho and much of Sandoval County says he is hearing from many constituents that they are being denied the right to vote and are being turned away from the polling places for Precincts 50 and 74 which are in Rio Rancho and the town of Bernalillo.

According to Senator Brandt, his constituents are saying the Sandoval County Clerk failed to fix a voting glitch, that she was alerted to over a week ago, and is turning away registered voters, saying they will be called back when the glitch is fixed.

“It is happening again in Rio Rancho. Two years ago, voting was a fiasco, now it is unbelievable. I never heard of such a thing. Registered voters are being turned away and told they will be called when the problem is fixed. They are not even given provisional ballots, but are being told they will be called back on election day. This is ludicrous.”

He said the two precincts with the problems were split in redistricting and registered voters are being told they are not listed in the correct precinct and to go home.

He will be at Rio Rancho Middle School on Loma Colorado where there are voting problems.

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