More Voter Fraud in New Mexico, This Time in Santa Fe


duran-dianna  FGGAM News just received this news release from New Mexico Secretary of State Dianna Duran

Another Case of Voter Fraud Reported


Woman’s Vote Stolen in Santa Fe




SANTA FE—Another case of voter fraud has been confirmed.  This time in Santa Fe County


The Santa Fe County Clerk’s office reported that a woman in Precinct 37 attempted to vote at her polling place located at Capshaw Middle School in Santa Fe.  However, she was surprised when she was informed she had already voted.  On examining the signature by her name, and seeing it was not hers, she realized someone had stolen her vote.  She was offered the only alternative available, which was a provisional ballot.


As was the case earlier in Rio Arriba County, someone else had signed the ballot roster in her place. With no legal ability to confirm the individual’s identification, poll workers were powerless to prevent yet another vote theft.  New Mexico law does not require Voter ID.


Bureau of Elections Director Bobbi Shearer stated, “Again, the local poll workers in Santa Fe County did their jobs to the extent they are allowed.  But there are currently no legal means of preventing a fake voter from stealing someone else’s vote.”


Secretary of State Dianna Duran has turned the matter over to First Judicial District Attorney, Spence Pacheco.  “Vote stealing is a crime,” said Duran, “And people who steal New Mexicans’ identity, and their votes, deserve to be prosecuted.  I don’t want any New Mexican to be deprived of his or her vote.”


“It may be impossible for investigators to determine who the fake voter was,” said Shearer, “and some would say that means that voter fraud does not exist, but that is not true.”


The Secretary of State’s office reminds voters to be vigilant while signing in to vote, as elections officials have no legal means of actually verifying signatures or confirming the identification of any voter.


If voters have any concerns or wish to report an irregularity of any kind, they are encouraged to call the toll free number at the Secretary of State’s office:   (800) 477-3632.

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