America the Beautiful and the Effort to Fundamentally Tranform Her


America-the-BeautifulTruth, Justice and the American Way.

America is beautiful to me. I look at our history and our principles and think, there is just no other country like the United States.

This country has mobilized to fight injustice in ways never conceived by Great Britain or Saudi Arabia, Russia or China. We have spread the Gospel, feed the poor and given shelter to the outcast.

America has also defended itself from enemies foreign and domestic, standing up to evil when it attacks it’s people. It was once true that we made no apologies for bringing the bad guys to justice. From the Alamo to Pearl Harbor we have stood against tyranny of many types.

In the 21st century, however, America has been fundamentally transformed. We have finally realized the fulfillment of Jimmy Carter’s vision of America instead of Ronald Reagan’s.

Jimmy Carter, Barrack Husein Obama and Dianne Feinstein all make apologies for America’s so-called sins. The Democrats of the United States senate chose to release a fallacious report on CIA interrogations in the days following the barbarous attacks of 911.

The interrogations are being called torture. Torture is defined as inflicting severe pain on someone as punishment or to get them to do or say something. The CIA did use certain techniques to gather information, that is true.

What did they do?

Well, they didn’t let suspects go to sleep for a long time. They made others run around naked. They were slapping and slamming detainees against walls (without serious injury). They isolated the bad guys from other bad guys. Worst of all, they infamously waterboarded a few people.

I’m sorry (not really) but there is nothing on that list that is all that bad. Sure, it is not pleasant to stay up for days or get roughed up in a cell. And don’t we routinely isolate our own prisoners? The waterboarding is a bit dark, but still not up to the standard of torture.

Of course, Dianne Feinstein would disagree. “Under any common meaning of the term, CIA detainees were tortured,” Senator Feinstein said.

That has been the point of America’s transformation. To extract from the psyche of America the grit that built this nation.

We should recall that these cowards in prison plotted and carried out the attacks of 911 that brought down the twin towers and killed thousands. If we were just in our dealings with them they would have been humanly executed. Because of our national emasculation we no longer practice truth, justice and the American way.

Instead we continually apologize (ad nauseam) for putting up a fight against scum like Al-Queda and ISIS.

Here is the thing. America was built by some very tough people. God fearing people who believed in treating people well. But they were not afraid to defend those they loved and they were not always nice about it.

John WayneEarly Americans had a vision, maybe it was not shared by everyone, but it was still a vision. It was that shining city on a hill. The belief that all men were created equal and that a government created by the people and for the people should long endure.

America is not a perfect country. We have made our mistakes. What the CIA did to gather information was not torture, you want torture? Look to the Islamic State. That is torture. Killing people for their faith, raping women and thinking it moral because they are not Muslim. Torture.

We should reject the wussification of America that Dianne Feinstein, Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi endorse. They do not desire a strong United States. They would prefer that America admit it’s existence is illegitimate and tie it’s hands and feet.

We tried this approach in the late 70’s with Jimmy Carter and it was the worst idea ever. So, it has been repackaged for the 21st and it is still the worst idea ever.

Should we be ashamed of ourselves? The 911 cowards who serve a false god needed to be rooted out and neutralized. They killed thousands and thereby needed to be brought to justice. Yes, we made them stay up past their bedtime and made them stay in their room by themselves. They will live.

It is better than what they would have gotten from George Washington, Abraham Lincoln or Sam Houston. Even FDR would have given them worse. These guys got to eat and sleep better than most Americans do.

I think it is time to send Dianne Feinstein and the rest of the cowards in Washington a message. Go home, we’ll take it from here.


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