AMERICA on its KNEES by Conrad Hilton


This is a prayer by Conrad Hilton, 1887-1979, born in San Antonio, New Mexico and founder of the Hilton Hotel Chain. He delivered this prayer on July 3rd, 1952.
Our Father in heaven,


We pray that You save us from ourselves,


The world that You made for us, to live in peace, we have made into an armed camp.  We live in fear of war to come.  We are afraid of

“the terror that flies by night, and the arrow that flies by day, the pestilence that walks in darkness and the destruction that wastes at noon-day.”


We have turned from You to go our selfish way.  We have broken Your commandments and denied Your truth.  We have left Your altars to serve the false gods of money and pleasure and power.


Forgive us and help us.


Now, darkness gathers around us, and we are confused in all our counsels.  Losing faith in You, we lose faith in ourselves.


Inspire us with wisdom, all of us every color, race, and creed, to us our wealth, our strength to help our brother, instead of destroying him.  Help us to do Your will as it is done in heaven and to be worthy of Your promise of peace on earth.  Fill us with new faith, new strength and new courage, that we may win the Battle of Peace.


Be swift to save, dear God, before the darkness falls.


“Incline your ear, O LORD, and hear: open Your eyes, O LORD, and see…..”  Isaiah, 37:27



Copied from The American Patriots Bible, page 804      































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