Businesses Are Not Locating To New Mexico Because Of The Failure of The Educational System


FGGAM EXCLUSIVE: Come on New Mexico you are better than this! Face up to the truth!  The Truth comes out: Winthrop Quigley of the Albuquerque Journal wrote this today in his column: “People who work to attract large employers to the Albuquerque area say that often the reason those efforts fail is not our tax structure or lack of a right-to-work law. Its is because company officials don’t trust our educational system.”  Great column by Winthrop Quigley on the front page of the Albuquerque Journal this morning, get it and read it and share it.

The economy is a mess in the state, more big time trouble for the state coffers with the drop in oil prices, the Republicans and Democrats have failed over several years to diversify the economy and improving the educational system. What is it? about 35% of New Mexico gets a paycheck from the Feds.

This of course comes on the heels of the report by the United Healthcare Foundation that found that (remember the higher the ranking number the worse condition) New Mexico ranks 45th in High School graduation. Only 74% of incoming 9th graders graduate. Horrific!

New Mexico ranks 48th in Child poverty with 28.7% of children living in poverty! Shame on us! Let’s round that off at a horrific 30%! That is sinful!

New Mexico continues to lose generation after generation.

CYFD thinks an allocation of $10 Million dollars will solve this problem of mistreatment of children……hogwash…….it is bringing families to Jesus Christ and turning this state around for God.

The answer from Government and Politicians is always throwing more money at a crises. It’s not about money, it’s about our Lord Jesus Christ and what His book says about families, children, love and joy, and the Ten Commandments, read it, it’s a pretty good read.

Yes, I know only about 12 to 15 percent of New Mexico goers to Church on Sunday. It’s one of the main reasons we are at this horrific point.

You can’t keep doing the same stupid things, you get the same stupid results.

The Politicians who have been at the Roundhouse for years should be ashamed of themselves, they keep doing the same stupid things.

An Albuquerque School Teacher told me, “A revival is needed in the homes of New Mexican children, we need to focus on the families, the state keeps messing up childrens education and making it tougher to teach!” This man  has dedicated his life to Children, went onto say, “I have children that come to my classroom in Albuquerque, hungry, dirty clothes, and they have not bathed in days or weeks.” He did not want his name used because of the concern of retaliation. Closing comment from this Teacher, “We send home back packs of food for the weekends, many of my students have the food taken away from them by their parents. The parents eat it themselves or sell it.”

I have had so many teachers in Albuquerque say the same things. They also do not want their names used because of the concern of retaliation. I have offered to bring them on our radio program, but no takers as of yet.

No wonder New Mexico struggle so, it does not properly care for it’s children. There is no political solution here, both the Republicans and Democrats have failed. God is the solution, He always is.Bring God back into the classroom and into the homes.

Yes, I know that sounds to simple for most of you.

city of Albuquerque

One businessman in Clovis, New Mexico who runs a small business told me that it is hard for him to be able to hire High School students because they have very limited math and writing skills!

I say again God is the answer, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ heals all. It brings wisdom into your life.

These failures of properly raising up our children is a main reason for the high crime rate and drug abuse in New Mexico. Drug related deaths in New Mexico, rank 49th, 24.8% per 100,000 population!

So people of New Mexico…what are you going to do with this information? I for one will continue to be a watchman on the wall for God and His people, that is why God called me and Sharon  to form FGGAM, for Him and His people. I will continue to shout on this website and on radio and Tv  and from the pulpit for America to Bless God, God has already blessed America and it is time for America to Bless God, return to His ways. Not the hell we have created.

A nation, state cannot keep paving a road of hell for it’s children.

Please read these posts:

What Happens When God Is Not Allowed In American Schools?

Are You Comfortable or Courageous? Which One Are You?

News and Views-Dewey

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