The Inconsistent Stance of Christians on Marriage


borken marriageSame sex marriage. Christians who claim to hold a biblical view of marriage have been fighting to keep marriage between one man and one woman. Many states have attempted to legislate a definition of marriage and most have been struck down.

Currently, Florida is attempting to keep it’s same sex marriage ban in effect after a judge threw it out. State Attorney General Pam Bondi has been putting up a good fight and vows to continue all the way to the US Supreme Court.

Pam Bondi, like nearly half of all Americans is inconsistent on her view of marriage. While Christians who hold that marriage is between a man and a woman are willing to fight the good fight to keep it that way, they are not so quick to limit divorce. You see, AG Bondi is currently married to her second husband.

You might ask, “What does that have to do with anything?”

Good question.

Here’s the thing. Sexual immorality is sexual immorality. The Lord does not value one sin over the other. He literally hates divorce. While he labels homosexuality as an abomination, divorce and adultery are not given a pass.

Christians have not been vocal on divorce. We fail to realize that the acceptance of divorce and the adultery that follows has lead us to this point, the point when marriage is dishonored in America.

It is always difficult to have this discussion because so many believers have chosen divorce, often the reasons are good but are they biblical. Jesus told us not be unequally yoked. What place does light have with darkness after all?

He also told us that divorce is a result of the hardness of people’s hearts and only authorized by God in cases of adultery. He went on to explain that divorce without adultery leads to adultery in the next relationship. Why? Because the first marriage was not annulled by God.

It is good for Christians to stand up to same sex marriage. But we should understand that the Lord expects us to refrain from all sexual immorality. It can be tough to read or hear but divorce is not an option for the Christian except in the case of adultery. A couple living together is sinning against each other and God.

The inconsistent stance of Christians on Marriage is destroying marriage and confusing the average person. Christians are getting divorced in the same numbers as unbelievers and this is wrong.

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