Obama Refuses To Commit To Vetoing Palestinian Authority Moves at UN


obama-kerryAmidst diplomatic maneuvers by the Palestinian Authority aimed at bringing a resolution to the UN Security Council to force Israel to retreat from the West Bank to the pre-1967 lines, US Secretary of State John Kerry emerged from meetings with European, Israeli, PA and Arab League diplomats declaring that Washington has not decided whether it would veto such a resolution. “We’ve made no determinations about language, approaches, specific resolutions, any of that,” Kerry told a news conference in London. “This isn’t the time to detail private conversations or speculate on a UN Security Council resolution that hasn’t even been tabled no matter what pronouncements are made publicly about it. The status quo is unsustainable for both parties. Right now what we are trying to do is have a constructive conversation with everybody to find the best way to go forward.”. Read More

Morning Inspiration: The man asked him “What is your name?” “Jacob” he answered. Then the man said “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome.”

The amazing nation of Israel is named after this complex, and Biblically significant man. As it was in his life, the nation of Israel has historically struggled, but always overcome. The Bible promises that will always be the case, even in the end, with the days that many of us believe are soon to come. Pray for the nation of Israel, and our Jewish brothers and sisters, whom we are related to, through God grafting us into their family tree.

Steve Stucker

Men’s Ministry Team
New Covenant Church


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