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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Leads Israel Into Hanukkah Celebrations

Israelis celebrated the first night of Chanukah Tuesday evening, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visiting an IDF field unit to light the first candles. “I am proud to be here and light the first Chanukah candle with you in the birthplace of the Maccabees,” he said. “We then stood, the few against the many, and we won. We set light against the darkness and we were victorious. This battle is also taking place today. The battle for Israel’s revival is not over; it is taking place always. The great change in the annals of our people is that we have restored our sovereignty here. We have not stopped, and we cannot stop, the desire to destroy us. They rise against us anew in every generation. But what happened with the revival of the State of Israel is that we remade the ability to return the fight.” Read More

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