WND EXCLUSIVE Bull’s-eye! Violence stalks pro-life protesters.


~Jesus, “They will insult you, they will persecute you, they will say every kind of false thing about you because of Me! Rejoice and be glad! Your reward will be great in heaven!” (Matt: 5: 11-12)

WND EXCLUSIVE Bull’s-eye! Violence stalks pro-life protesters. Attack numbers tell story that shocks activists:

By Alex Newman

(Excerpt, read the full report at WND.com)

“[A] review by WND revealed that violence against opponents of abortion is not only common and widespread – it is often tolerated or even tacitly encourage by much of the media, some elements within law enforcement, and the powerful abortion industry.

The list of brutal beatings, attacks, vandalism, and other crimes perpetrated against pro-life activists, for instance, is virtually endless.

[I]n Albuquerque, New Mexico, an abortion supporter viciously attacked peaceful pro-life protesters outside a late-term abortion clinic.

One of the victims, Bud Shaver, was left bleeding profusely after suffering a deep gash on his head requiring stiches that was inflicted by the attacker, who used keys as a weapon.

The year before that attack, the same victim, Shaver, was almost deliberately run over by a longtime abortion supporter who jumped the curb with his delivery truck.

Two weeks before that, a man was arrested with weapons at the same clinic after threatening to murder two pro-life women.

“Overall, in my 20 years of activism, I’ve definitely seen an increase recently in violence and attacks,” Mark Harrington, (Executive Director at Created Equal) said.

God says that those who hate God love death, so the enemies of God — the radical homosexuals, the God-haters, the atheists, the abortionists – they want to tear down those people who stand for what’s right,” Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue said.

“Jesus said ‘they hated me, they’re going to hate you as well,’ so don’t be surprised when they do that,” Newman continued. “In a sense, it’s part of being a Christian.”

“We’re on two sides of a life and death issue, and I’m on the side of life, so I expect people who would kill a baby in the womb to use violence against those who oppose them.” Joe Scheidler, founder of the Pro-Life Action League

Read more of this excellent and comprehensive report from World Net Daily at: https://www.wnd.com/2014/12/bulls-eye-violence-stalks-pro-life-protesters/#FHOk4yTO717mQhML.99

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