The American Minute: Battle of Princeton -“the most brilliant in the world’s history”



Frederick the Great of Prussia called these ten days “the most brilliant in the world’s history.”After winning the Battle of Trenton, Christmas night, George Washington’s small 1,200 man force confronted General Cornwallis’ 4,500 man British army.The night before the battle, Washington left his campfires burning and marched his army in absolute silence around the back of the British camp at Princeton, New Jersey.

Gun were wrapped in heavy cloth to stifle any noise.

At daybreak, JANUARY 3, 1777, Washington attacked.

When the British fought back with a bayonet charge killing General Mercer and dozens of soldiers, the American militia under General John Cadwalader began to flee.

General George Washington saw this, he quickly rode to the front to stop the retreat.

He ordered the men to follow him as he rode to within 30 yards of the British.

Quickly turning and facing his men, Washington yelled “Halt!” and then “Fire!

The British immediately returned by firing a volley, filling the field with a cloud of smoke.

Many thought Washington was surely shot, as he was exposed to fire from both sides.

American officer John Fitzgerald pulled his hat down to cover his eyes so as to not see Washington killed.

But when the smoke cleared, to their dismay, Washington was seen waving to his men to charge forward.

Over 100 British were killed and 300 captured, as compared to only 35 Americans killed.

Enthusiasm swept America.

British historian Sir George Otto Trevelyan wrote of the American victories at Trenton and Princeton:

“It may be doubted whether so small a number of men ever employed so short a space of time with greater and more lasting effects upon the history of the world.”

President Calvin Coolidge stated October 28, 1925:

“Distinguished military critics have described Washington’s campaign of Trenton and Princeton as a military exploit of unparalleled brilliancy.”

Miracles in American History-32 Amazing Stories of Answered Prayer

The equestrian statue at Washington Circle in Washington, D.C. depicts General Washington at the Battle of Princeton.

At the statue’s dedication in 1860, sculptor Clark Mills stated:

“…at the battle of Princeton where Washington, after several ineffectual attempts to rally his troops, advanced so near the enemy’s lines that his horse refused to go further, but stood and trembled while the brave rider sat undaunted with reins in hand.

But while his noble horse is represented thus terror stricken, the dauntless hero is calm and dignified, ever believing himself the instrument in the hand of Providence to work out the great problem of liberty.”

Yale President Ezra Stiles described General George Washington in an Election Address before the Governor and General Assembly of Connecticut, May 8, 1783:

“Congress put at the head of this spirited army, the only man, on whom the eyes of all Israel were placed…This American Joshua was raised up by God, and divinely formed by a peculiar influence of the Sovereign of the Universe, for the great work of leading the armies of this American Joseph…

and conducting this people through the severe, the arduous conflict, to liberty and independence...”

Ezra Stiles continued:

“In our lowest and most dangerous estate in 1776 and 1777, we sustained ourselves against the British army of sixty thousand troops commanded by Howe, Burgoyne, and Clinton, and other the ablest generals Britain could procure throughout Europe, with a naval force of 22,000 seamen in above eighty British men of war…

This was sealed and confirmed by God Almighty in the victory of General Washington at Trenton, and in the surprising movement and battle of Princeton; by which astonishing effort of generalship,

General Howe and the whole British army, in elated confidence and in open-mouthed march for Philadelphia, was instantly stopped, remanded back, and cooped up for a shivering winter in the little borough of Brunswick.

Thus God turned the battle to the gate; and this gave a finishing to the foundation of the American Republic…”

Ezra Stiles ended:

Who but a Washington, inspired by Heaven, could have struck out the great movement and maneuver of Princeton?…

The United States are under peculiar obligations to become a holy people unto the Lord our God.


For God’s Glory Alone Ministries thanks Bill Federer and

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