Good Morning Beautiful People, Maine’s New Year Pro Life Rally


Maine’s Pro-Life Rally


I was praying for New Mexico last evening after listening to the news with Dewey Moede and Paul Holt. I called a prayer partner to join her Faith with mine. I wanted to just weep after listening to the reports of what seems to be darkening days.

I then opened up an email from the Maine Christian Civic League and I just had to share. This is what it read…

Gov. LePage, Congressman Poliquin, and Maine Senate Majority Leader Mason to rally pro-life supporters on Jan. 17 in Augusta

The Christian Civic League encourages you to join hundreds of pro-life Mainers and Governor Paul LePage, U.S. Congressman Bruce Poliquin, Maine Senate Majority Leader Garrett Mason at the annual “Hands Around the Capitol” on Saturday, Jan. 17.

9:30 am Prayer Service at Hope Baptist Church in Manchester
10 am Mass at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in Augusta
11:15 am Rally at St. Michael’s gymnasium at 56 Sewall Street
12:15 pm participants leave to walk to the Capitol building
12:30 pm participants join hands around the Capitol as the Capitol Bell rings 42 times, representing the number of years since abortion was legalized. Over 56 million unborn Americans have died because of abortion.
1:30 pm: Reception at the Christian Civic League Headquarters, 70 Sewall Street.

Father, we join our Faith around this globe today for New Mexico. We pray Lord you would turn the heart of  your people back to Biblical values and morals. God you said in your Word if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Lord, we pray for obedience, repentance, loyalty, boldness and that evil would not prevail. We Declare over New Mexico an awakening, a revival. May churches come together and truly work together to turn the tide of their State. May Christians light up this land in 2015 for your glory Lord. Reveal truth and bring the schemes of the enemy to light we pray in Jesus name. Amen

Here is a report on the Cloud of Death over New Mexico:

The World We Live In Radio Podcast 1-5-15 with Pastors Dewey Moede & Paul Holt


My Post-Abortion Journey

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