Pushing for a Palestinian State

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Pushing for a Palestinian State!
UN Security Council

Recently, Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas forced the United Nations Security Council to vote on a resolution calling for international recognition of a Palestinian state. The measure also demanded that Israel withdraw to the pre-1967 lines within the next two years. Strangely, Abbas knew the resolution did not have enough votes to pass, and yet he pressed for it anyway and then immediately went to the International Criminal Court to demand admission as a member state. This diplomatic gambit came after a number of European nations had signaled their readiness to accept a Palestinian state. But it drew criticism from the Obama administration, while the new conservative Congress is even threatening to cut off American funding to the Palestinian Authority. Now all this has raised some interesting questions about what Abbas and the Palestinians are really seeking. Did Abbas actually want a defeat in the UN Security Council? Why would the Palestinian leadership risk their relationship and funding from the United States? Will the Palestinians gain the recognition they want through these unilateral moves? And what will Israel’s response be? Pushing for a Palestinian State! That’s our focus this week here on Front Page Jerusalem. We’ll look at the renewed efforts by the Palestinian Authority to secure statehood without Israel’s consent. Our guest analyst will be Pinchas Inbari, a veteran Israeli journalist who has been covering Palestinian affairs for decades.

Airing the weekend of January 17, 2015

Available on WWW.FRONTPAGEJERUSALEM.COM on Monday, January 19, 2015

Program Features

On today’s program we’re taking a look at the latest Palestinian initiative to secure statehood outside of peace talks with Israel. Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas recently forced the UN Security Council to vote on a resolution to recognize a Palestinian state, even though he knew it would go down to defeat. So what is he really up to in this renewed unilateral bid for statehood? For insight and analysis on this topic, Front Page senior producer David Parsons spoke this week with veteran Israeli journalist Pinchas Inbari, who has been covering Palestinian affairs for decades for both the Israeli and foreign press.

Join hosts Earl Cox, Ben Kinchlow and David Parsons for this week’s Front Page Jerusalem, on a radio station near you or visit our website to download the MP3 and to subscribe to program podcasts

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 European Jews Under Siege!

The recent events in Paris have been a wake-up call to the world about the dangerous resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe. But for Jews in France and all across the continent, it was more a painful reminder of the harsh reality they have faced for years now. Long before last weekend’s terror attacks in Paris, Jewish communities around Europe already felt under siege, with metal detectors and armed guards posted outside their schools, synagogues, museums and community centers. If anything, the terror attacks in Paris have shattered any lingering sense of security for much of European Jewry. The hope that their governments could somehow protect them is vanishing. But protect them from what? Most world leaders are still unwilling to identify the real menace now stalking the Jews of Europe – the scourge of Islamic jihadism. So what will now happen to the Jews of France and the rest of Europe? Will many flee to Israel or to North America? Can European leaders effectively confront the wave of Muslim terrorism now rampant in their midst? Or will they remain in denial and allow radical Islam to continue its deadly march into the heart of Europe? European Jews Under Siege!That’s our focus next week here on Front Page Jerusalem. We’ll look at the fallout from the recent terror attacks in Paris and what is behind the growing threat to Jews in Europe. We’ll have an update and analysis by Front Page senior producerDavid Parsons. Plus, we’ll bring you excerpts of an interview which ICEJ Executive Director Juergen Buehler recently did with Eliezer ‘Moodi’ Sandberg of Keren Hayesod, which helps bring Jews home to Israel.

Airing the weekend of January 24, 2015

Available on WWW.FRONTPAGEJERUSALEM.COM on Monday, January 26, 2015

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