PRESS RELEASE: UK Woman Comes To ABQ For Abortion at 30 weeks



Abortion At 30 Weeks in ABQ Divides a UK Family

Unfortunately it appears that the young mother did end up killing  her child despite all of our best efforts. Please keep her and her family in your prayers, they will need your prayers now more than ever.


For Immediate Release: Woman Comes to ABQ For Abortion at 30 weeks

Albuquerque, NM- Today January 6, 2015 Protest ABQ is holding a major protest in front of Southwestern Women’s Options. Members of Protest ABQ received information about a British native woman who has come to ABQ for an elective abortion at 30 weeks of pregnancy to evade her own countries laws.

“Once again NM is operating as a safe haven for women seeking to extinguish the life growing inside of them through all nine months of pregnancy. Protest ABQ is protesting and keeping a peaceful vigil in hopes that this woman can be turned around,” stated Bud Shaver Executive Director.

It is a well known fact that late term abortions pose a greater risk to the woman than a first or second trimester procedure. Yet New Mexico still allows this barbaric practice. The fact that this woman has come across an ocean to commit what is a crime in her own nation only adds to New Mexico’s shame.

Fr. Imbarrato Founder of Protest ABQ who has been in contact with this woman’s family members since Friday issued the following statement:

“New Mexicans will not stand idly by while this woman seeks an unnecessary procedure at 30 weeks of pregnancy. It is imperative now more than ever that both Governor Martinez and Mayor Berry do everything in their power to stop this killing. We continue to call for action from these two who claim to be pro-life but have done nothing to prove it.”

A press conference is scheduled for this afternoon.

Date: January 6, 2015
Time: 1:30pm
Where: 522 Lomas NE.

Media Contact: Tara Shaver

Fr. Stephen Imbarrato



HELP!!!!! ABQ, NM…A last minute update on the late term abortion situation of the girl and father from the UK here in NM to abort the 30 week old baby.
-WE NEED PEOPLE from 11:30 am till 2:00 pm tomorrow Tuesday, January 6th at Southwestern Women’s Options, 522 Lomas Blvd NE, corner of High Street just west of I-25.
-We need people praying tonight and tomorrow that Jesus’ saving power be at work.-There will be updates tomorrow (Tuesday morning). Sorry, I am so vague; that I can’t say more! Thank you for your presence or your prayers. This is important. Please spread the word!
See background details below.


UPDATE from Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, Director of Protest ABQ and he has been a Pastoral Consultant for Priests for Life:

“They have arrived here in Albuquerque. I have been in contact with the girl’s mom and hoping to speak to father who brought her here in a short while. Please pray that I am able to change her father’s mind and have him bring her home where both she and the baby will both be safe.”



Prayers Needed ASAP… The life of a baby is on its way to the hands of the abortionists in Albuquerque NM to Boyd’s abortion mill at Southwestern Women’s Options! Please SHARE!

Janet Morana Executive Director of Priests For Life issued the following statement,

“Urgent prayer needed! A 20-year-old woman from Great Britain is on her way to New Mexico to abort her baby. She is 30 weeks pregnant. Her mother in Great Britain and her uncle in Spain have reached out to Priests for Life for our help and prayer. She is in Atlanta now, aware that she and her father will be prosecuted when they return home, because it is illegal in the UK to go to another country for an abortion. She is going to pay $12,000 to kill this almost full-term baby at Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque on Tuesday. Please pray for Emily and her baby.”

UPDATE from Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, Director of Protest ABQ and he has been a Pastoral Consultant for Priests For Life:

“They have arrived here in Albuquerque. I have been in contact with the girl’s mom and hoping to speak to father who brought her here in a short while. Please pray that I am able to change her father’s mind and have him bring her home where both she and the baby will both be safe.”

For more information about Late-Term Abortion in Albuquerque click here: Important Facts about Abortion in New Mexico and Abortion Abuses

Protest ABQ hold’s New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez responsible: HARDENED or SOFTENED…How will the Gov. Respond?

Protest ABQ has big PROTEST plans for 2015 find out more information about the first EVER National Call To Action: National Protests and National Strike Jan. 22-23, 2015 and how you can join us in this new year here:

National Strike front

Protest ABQ is a peaceful protest campaign launched to educate and stand against the injustice of abortion, through a strategic and sustained presence. We strive to reach deeper into our community and educate Albuquerque and New Mexico residents on what abortion really is. Protest ABQ is committed to end ‘Preborn’ Child Killing in ABQ and in NM. We protest most weekdays and every weekend!


Please click and read and share with the world, God Bless!

Report: New Mexico Is America’s Second-Most Dangerous State

The World We Live In Radio Podcast 1-5-15 with Pastors Dewey Moede & Paul Holt

New Mexico’s Cloud of Death

My Post-Abortion Journey

My Letters to the Editor about Donnie


  1. Leave these people alone. Your insistance upon intruding in their lives,especially at such a difficult time,is disgusting,rude,and absolutely out of line. I do not doubt that this family has gone over and over all of their options and if abortion is the choice that they made then it should be respected. Their lives and their decisions are none of your business. You all need a lesson in tolerance and understanding. Your judgments are made without knowledge of this family or their struggles. You should be ashamed of yourselves for adding to their strife as they deal with this hard decision.

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