Bruce Jenner Involved in Tragic Horrible Car Accident


bruce-jennerBruce Jenner, the all American athlete, has been in the news lately due to his reported gender confusion and impending surgery. He is now at the center of a horrible car accident that left one person dead and involved seven others.

Law enforcement was reportedly testing Jenner for drugs and alcohol and there was a photo that seemed to show him using his phone in some way. According to police it was unclear if the photo was taken before or after the accident.

Mr. Jenner apparently, according to witnesses, rear ended a white vehicle, sending that vehicle into traffic where it was struck by a Humvee causing the death of the driver.

A series of photos appear on TMZ showing the accident both during an after. I am not big on TMZ but if you are curious check it out.

I had planned to write today about Bruce Jenner and the rumors of his gender surgery. Mr. Jenner’s choices are reflective of America’s choices and give me pause.

With the media storm surrounding Bruce Jenner in recent days it might be thought that a gaggle of reporters had some part to play is this auto accident but police say that is not true.

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