Americans Have 5% Confidence in Congress, Root Canals and Cockroaches Are Favored More


In my copy of the Albuquerque Journal comes word this morning that AmericansAmerican flag confidence in all three branches of government is at or near record lows. America is paying a deep price for electing unGodly people. As Pastor Tony Evans said, America was one nation under God, but it is now, one nation away from God. This is not a Republican and Democrat issue, it is a God issue. Both parties are at fault. Both have moved America away from God. Just 23% of Americans have a great deal of confidence in the Supreme Court, 11% in the executive branch and JUST 5% IN CONGRESS! People love root canals and cockroaches better than Congress! That is from a different survey!  By contrast, half have great confidence in the American military. The survey was done by the independent research organization NORC at the University of Chicago. It is a highly regarded source of data and social trends. At the present time America has the worst President and Congress in its history. I will repeat until I am blue in the face….I know some of you do not want me to ever breathe again, more hate mail coming in……LOL! But I repeat, until America returns to God, being obedient to God our struggle as a Country will worsen.

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