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Birthdays, Moving, Vacation, Prayers and Dinner on the Moon

Dear Friends of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Thank you for being with us here at ther Daily CUP and FGGAM. We are starting our 18th year, PRAISE GOD!  in ministry here at the CUP! PRAISE GOD! We will enter our 4th year here at FGGAM in August, LORD WILLING!

A lot has changed over those years! Started out as a daily email to a few friends and grew to a huge data base, it’s own website and now read by many more at the FGGAM.ORG site! As long as we are in God’s Will, God will lead us to places we never thought possible! The CUP has blessed me and Sharon tremendously over the years and the testimonials of others make us cry! Through the CUP I have been reunited with so many people I have met in my life! PRAISE GOD! The CUP has always been a praying ministry!

Prayer is the essence of the Spiritual life without which all ministry loses its meaning. It is the fulfillment of the great commandment to love the Lord with all our heart, all our soul and all our mind…..To pray is to unite ourselves with Jesus and lift up the whole world through Him to God in a cry of forgiveness, reconciliation, healing, and mercy….Most of all, prayer is the way to become and remain part of Jesus mission to draw all people to the intimacy of God’s love.” by Henri Nouwen, The Only Necessary Thing: Living a Prayerful Life

This is where I take us today…into to prayer…………

For our son Lars who celebrates his birthday today! He was born in 1991! He is a cinematographer in Chicago after graduating a year ago this past May from Columbia in Chicago. Lars supplements his income by working at Target in Chicago, he is a very hard worker. We are so proud of the man he has become! Lars is the only Moede grandson! I was higher than a kite when he was born and he lifts me higher in excitement every day in his accomplishments, Praise God!  Tonight we are having a birthday party for Sharon, yesterday was her birthday, and Lars! I have included my favorite picture ever with Lars, the day he graduated from Columbia! I don’t know if he has ever been so happy! Thank YOU LORD!

Pictures are of me and Lars, Wanell, and Rick and Buffy and Reno!
Please pray for Wanell Pate, FGGAM Board member who underwent Chemo yesterday. I just got off the phone with her hubby Bob, and he reports Wanell is doing good. Please continue to pray healing over Wanell, in Jesus name, Amen!

Please pray for Juliet Tross, wife of Pastor Mark Tross, Juliet had a hysterectomy and is recovering at home.  Please pray for healing, in Jesus name, Amen!

Please pray for Rick Stambaugh (Rick has cancer) of FGGAM and his lovely wife Sandy as they embark on a two week vacation. Rick is looking at this is as maybe his last vacation with Sandy. They are driving to Florida to get on a cruise ship, Rick cannot fly because of blot clots, and they are stopping along the way to visit family. Please keep Rick and Sandy in your prayers, I am very concerned! In Jesus name, Amen! Reno so much loves Rick! Buffy is in this picture as she always loved on him to! One of my all-time favorite pictures. By the way we are still getting sympathy cards about Buffy, yesterday from Patti in Los Alamos, NM. We thank you all for your dear, dear love!

Your love in Jesus keeps us going! Amen!

Please keep the state of New Mexico in your prayers, as it faces the wrath of God for continued abortions. The New Mexico Senate will not even allow a vote on pro-life legislation! People wonder why New Mexico has so very many, many hard struggles! Whether man wants to beleive it or not, there are ramifications to bad behavior! It seems so many Preachers are so quick to preach on grace, yes there is the grace of God, but there is also the wrath of God!

I posted this today:

Many Christians do not like to talk about abortion, I cannot figure that out! It is of great, great concern to God, as we kill His babies. It is murder. Another thing that many Christians do not like to talk about and many Preachers do not like to preach on, is the wrath of God, the ramifications of bad behavior.  It is not popular to preach about abortion and the wrath of God. Henry Blackaby wrote this on the love and wrath of God: God’s kind of love always seeks His best for each person. If we reject His best, He will discipline us. However the discipline will come from a heavenly Father who loves us and who will do whatever is necessary to bring us to a place in our lives where we can receive what He wants to give us. Read Hebrews 12: 5-11.

God does bring disciple, judgement, and wrath on those who continue to live in sin and rebellion against Him. Even this discipline, though is based on love. “For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and punishes every son whom He receives” Hebrews 12:6

It is not right for a Christian to be quiet about the murder of babies.

Francis Shaeffer said, “Every abortion clinic should have a sign in front of it saying, “Open by the permission of the church.”

Francis Shaeffer is so right on!

End of post! Now back to needed prayer…………

Please pray for Shonda Savage Whitworth and her hubby Eldon, of El Paso, Texas,  as they are moving much of their belongings, getting ready to put their house up for sale. Shonda writes for us here at the CUP and FGGAM! Shonda is such a strong women of God, such an excellent testimony to us all!

I just got off the phone with former New Mexico Congressman Bill Redmond. Bill told me that he has left CitizenLink. He is now back working on his China Mission project. Bill and I were laughing at the time I called him live on the air, many years ago, when he was in China during Easter! What a wonderful conversation we had. Please pray for Bill and his China Mission project. I pray we hear again from Bill soon. I told him he should run for Governor here in New Mexico! We are so very disappointed in Susana Martinez, she has not moved New Mexico forward, not stood up to end abortion, the state has gone backwards under her watch.

Please pray for Kathy Garcia, FGGAM Board member,  who has much pain in one of her hips! It started after her surgery. We pray healing over Kathy in Jesus name, Amen!

Please pray for healing, peace and comfort for my brother Daryl Moede in Yankton, South Dakota, In Jesus name, Amen!

I leave you with this…FGGAM writer Howard Stansell sent this to us………..

First Dinner on the Moon

An Historical Event: I Thought You Would Find This Interesting
What was the first liquid and food consumed on the moon ?

I’m betting that most are unaware of this story.

Forty-three years ago two human beings changed history by walking on the surface of the moon. But what happened before Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong exited the Lunar Module is perhaps even more amazing, if only because so few people know about it. “I’m talking about the fact that Buzz Aldrin took communion on the surface of the moon. Some months after his return, he wrote about it in Guideposts magazine.

The background to the story is that Aldrin was an elder at his Presbyterian Church in Texas during this period in his life and knowing that he would soon be doing something unprecedented in human history, he felt he should mark the occasion somehow. He asked his minister to help him. And so the minister consecrated a communion wafer and a small vial of communion wine. Buzz Aldrin took them with him out of the Earth’s orbit and on to the surface of the moon. He and Armstrong had only been on the lunar surface for a few minutes when Aldrin made the following public statement:

This is the LM pilot. I’d like to take this opportunity to ask every person listening in, whoever and wherever they may be, to pause for a moment and contemplate the events of the past few hours and to give thanks in his or her own way. He then ended radio communication and there, on the silent surface of the moon, 250,000 miles from home, he read a verse from the Gospel of John and he took communion.

Here is his own account of what happened: “In the radio blackout, I opened the little plastic packages which contained the bread and the wine. I poured the wine into the chalice our church had given me. In the one-sixth gravity of the moon, the wine slowly curled and gracefully came up the side of the cup. Then I read the scripture:
I am the vine, you are the branches.
Whosoever abides in me will bring forth much fruit …
Apart from me you can do nothing.’

“I had intended to read my communion passage back to earth, but at the last minute [they] had requested that I not do this. NASA was already embroiled in a legal battle with Madelyn Murray O’Hare, the celebrated opponent of religion, over the Apollo 8 crew reading from Genesis while orbiting the moon at Christmas. I agreed reluctantly.”

“I ate the tiny Host and swallowed the wine. I gave thanks for the intelligence and spirit that had brought two young pilots to the Sea of Tranquility . It was interesting for me to think the very first liquid ever poured on the moon and the very first food eaten there, were the communion elements.”

“And of course, it’s interesting to think that some of the first words spoken on the moon were the words of Jesus Christ, who made the Earth and the moon – and who, in the immortal words of Dante, is Himself the “Love that moves the Sun and other stars.”

How many of you knew this?
Too bad this type news doesn’t travel as fast as the bad does.

Share it if you’ve felt God’s love.
Jesus said, “If you are ashamed of me,
I will be ashamed of you before My Father on Judgment Day.”

Please click on this headline to read more from FGGAM:

MIRACLE OF GOD!! Parents Farewell Cuddle Revives Dying Baby!!

In the love of Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team


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