Colorado Women Who Had Baby Cut From Her Womb, is Released From Hospital


UPDATE: Click on this headline below for this very disturbing news!

Report: NO CHARGES in Murder of Baby in Colorado!

This story just breaks my heart, let us all pause for a moment….Let us think of what our society has become….We are teaching our young people that there is no value to life. We have become a society of abortions and murder, a total disregard for the sanctity of life. Michelle does not live that far from our grandbaby! I weep over this today…………..Please becareful of having people come to your house, I have people call me, the elderly, to come to their house if they are having a Craigslist buyer or someone they do not know, come to their home. Michelle_Wilkins_1426887750716_15262806_ver1.0_640_480Let us be in prayer over Michelle……1 week after attack that took her unborn baby, she is out of the hospital and recovering well…

Read more here, by clicking on the headline…it seems here in America we lock up Pro-Lifers……….

Pro-Life Leaders Released From Jail

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