FGGAM Photo of The Day: Sunrise in Albuquerque this morning! Is Albuquerque in Mexico?


Are you in AWE of GOD today? Do you find yourself in AWE of GOD EVERYDAY??? I am in AWE of GOD that I breathe! Amen! Look at this sunrise in Albuquerque, New Mexico this morning! YES! Albuquerque and New Mexico are in the United States! I still get people from across America that think Albuquerque is either in Arizona or Mexico!!!! TRUE!!!! LOL!! LOL!!!

Here is the scripture that came to mind this morning: Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today.”  Luke 5:26

I will close with this………When I went to school we had to know the in-depth history of the state of Minnesota, my home state where I grew up, we had to know it like the back of our hand! In Miss Rasche’s 6th grade class in Windom, Minnesota, we even made a trip to the State Capital, which is St. Paul, not Minneapolis or Duluth! Loved Miss Rasche, I talked to her right before she passed onto heaven many years ago, learned so much from that Godly women! We also had to know all about the 49 other states, their capitals, their industry, their climate, their major cities…etc….. Now I find people here in New Mexico where I have lived since 1995, and many don’t even know where Edgewood, NM is???!!!! People will ask me where I have traveled recently in ministry work and I mention towns and many do not know where they are at. These are New Mexicans! I beleive it is our civic duty to know all about the history of where we live! Amen!

I beleive if you asked the majority of Americans, they would get it wrong as to what city is the Capital of New Mexico, it is not Albuquerque it is Santa Fe. It is a sad fact many Americans do not even know who Ronald Reagan was!!!…..or who Harry Truman was!!!!! We had to name all the Presidents of the United States in school…in the order they served……..Yes we did! We even had to know all about their home state!Albuquerque sunrise March 27

You might not think this is a big deal….but it is….the failure to know….is the road to failure…….

Picture is of sunrise in Albuquerque this morning! Click on photo to enlarge! I took this from our home looking into the Sandia Mountains.

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