Is State Senator Michael Sanchez the Most Powerful Man in New Mexico?


Yesterday we got the word that Abortion legislation is stalled in the New Mexico Senate: Here is how New Mexico Watchman and FGGAM Board member Jose Vasquez reported the sad news, of course knowing the track record of the Senator it is really not a surprise….but it is still very, very sad.

Senator Michael Sanchez, like those who have preceded him in the office of New Mexico’s Majority Floor Leader, is a study in power.  Senator Sanchez has the authority to determine

the forward movement of any proposed legislation in the New Mexico State Legislature.

As Majority Floor Leader of the Senate, he assigns Senators to committees and assigns legislation to those committees.  Legislation can be facilitated or delayed.

With only 12 days remaining in the 60 day session, Senator Sanchez has yet to assign HB 390 and 391, the Late Term Abortion Ban and Parental Notification of Abortion for underage teens, to any committee.

We are urging phone call to Senator Sanchez’s office to encourage the forward movement of these bills.

Please call Senator Sanchez’s office at (505) 986-4727.

From Pastor Dewey:

I plead with you Senator Sanchez on behalf of babies to get these bills passed. It is time to end the murder of babies in our state. You have so much power. You are called to protect the people of New Mexico. The Lord showed me this scripture this morning when I was praying for you, it is from Galatians 6: 8-10 …8For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. 9Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. 10So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.

In a political sense you are one of if not the most powerful political people in New Mexico, but our God is more powerful…

Colossians 1:16….For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.

I understand Senator that you are Catholic……and the Catholic Church has been and is leading the charge in our state to end abortion. All three Catholic Bishops have stood strong in opposing abortion. Won’t you?

I pray Senator Sanchez that you are your political party do the right thing here and save the lives of babies, we need to end this bloodbath.

My heart aches this morning as this legislation is stalled.

Let us pray for a powerful movement of God in the lives of all who are to vote on this abortion legislation.

The headline on the front page of the Albuquerque Journal from the New Mexico legislature this morning is: Senate Committee Tables Right-to-Work Bill……Well, it is time to pass the RIGHT-TO-LIVE BILLS AND END ABORTION IN NEW MEXICO! BABIES HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIVE! Pastor Dewey

UPDATE: From Frank Haley of KDAZ AM730:

A bill requiring parental notification before a minor could have an abortion will go to two New Mexico Senate committees instead of being heard by the full chamber over the objections of Republicans.

The Senate   voted 25-17 along party lines to reject the motion by Republican Sen. William Sharer of Farmington.

He and other Republicans said the issue was too important not to be heard by the full Senate. Democrats argued that the committee process should not be bypassed.

The New Mexico House   Friday approved the bill requiring that parents be notified at least 48 hours before a minor ends a pregnancy.

A separate effort by Sharer to have a related bill banning late-term abortions assigned to another committee also failed to muster enough votes.

News and Views-DeweyPictured on the left State Senator Michael Sanchez and on the right my wife Grandma Sharon with our granddaughter Lilith Evelyn. Sharon and BabyMichael Sanchez for March

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