Maybe This is Why Rio Rancho Schools Succeed and Many Other NM Schools, Like Albuquerque Are Failing


Rio Rancho schoolsAlbuquerque Public Schools are in disarray with the students running the school and protesting, not attending classes over the PARCC testing.schoolbooksAPS fails to graduate many! 1 + 1 at APS appears to be 0…….Rio Rancho had a Class of 2014 graduation rate of 84.4%, meanwhile the graduation rate in the state of New Mexico for the class of 2014 was an awful %68.5%. The Albuquerque graduation rate for 2013 was an awful 68.7% and in 2014 it fell to a horrific 62.5%!!!! I’m here to tell you that a community, a city, a state, a society cannot succeed with this kind of performance, mark it down, we are losing generation after generation because of failing schools. Read what KOB TV is reporting how Rio Rancho is handling the PARCC situation! What is wrong APS Boss Brad Winter? Are you afraid to put your foot down? Rio Rancho Public Schools: Opting out of PARCC test isn’t an option

Also please read this post by clicking on the headline below:

New Mexico Offers Abortion, Children Lottery Tickets and Poor Education

Picture of Rio Rancho School car by Pastor Dewey. I had know idea they had truancy squad cars!


  1. Sorry, I have mixed feelings about this whole thing. It’s about more than just a test. This particular one is testing on things that the teachers, who by the way are unable to actually teach, have not been able to cover. Testing is ok when not done in extremes but when you are taking away 4 weeks of instruction to give mandated tests, and this being the first of several that are really necessary, than what you are doing is teaching kids to take a test and not really learn. You do realize that many schools will be testing for the next almost month on these mandated tests. Now, there is talk to extend the elementary school year. What I have observed since I have been here is that the distrcits are not supporting the teachers like the one I went to when I was a kid. A lot of teachers are doing their best but when they are forced to test more than they teach, plus, they are forced to teach a curriculum that does nto really teach, it sets them up for failure. There are really good teachers out there if only they were allowed to do their job. I really feel that we need to go back to the tables and be involved in bing a solution. Do I agree in the way the protests are being done? No, but it says something when students are walking out more and more dispite the consequences and I don’t really believe that all of the ones who walked out are truants.

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