New Mexico Legislative Report: Important Pro-Life Bills to be Heard This Afternoon

                                                                 Friday, March 6, 2015


New Mexico State Legislature



Dear Friends,

Last evening Alliance for Life published the following article regarding the late term abortion ban and the parental notification bills to be heard in the House Chamber today at 4:30 p.m.

We seek your prayers for these proceeding and join us in the gallery if possible.  Thank you for your prayers and interest in the New Mexico State Legislature and the godly influence to which we aspire.

God bless you today.

New Mexico Watchman




Historic: Late-Term Abortion Ban Act (HB390) and Parental Notification for Abortion Act (HB391) make it to House Floor for the FIRST time.

Ending New Mexico’s Dubious Distinction of Having Highest Late-Term Aboriton Rate in the County — Let’s Stop the Dangerous & Barbaric Practice of Abortions Until the Day of Birth FOR ANY REASON


Friday March 6, 4:30 p.m. 
New Mexico State Capitol, House Gallery
( start time may be due to length of pervious bill debate, stay up to date by following live  Twitter tweets  and  Facebook posts  for up to the minute start time)


  1. Come to the Roundhouse to watch the House Floor debate in person in the House Gallery.
  2. If you come to Santa Fe, please come early to lobby your state Senator and you still have time to lobby your state Representative before the House Vote to encourage them to VOTE YES!
  3. Watch the House of Representative Chamber debate live web stream (note: must have Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox to stream, Google Chrome and Safari will not work)
  4. Email & Call your State Representative to Vote YES on the House Floor and ask your State Senator to “do whatever necessary” to get the Pro-Life Bills to the Senate Floor for a full debate.
  5. Follow live updates from the New Mexico Alliance for Life Facebookpage or Twitter page
  6. Continue to share the word with friends, family, neighbors and you chruches
  7. Follow New Mexico Alliance for Life updates as the Bills move to the Senate. We will also provide a full list on how EVERY House of Representative member voted


Thank you for your support in protecting the health and safety of women and the most vulnerable and innocent among us, babies just weeks or days from being born and can live outside the womb on their own. Get your New Mexico Alliance for Life FACT SHEET for all the information you need to talk to your legislators.

Alliance for Life


Report from Jose Vasquez, New Mexico Watchman Jose Vasquez

Report Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray,
lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.

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