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New Mexico Legislature: “The sit more do little company”

What does this say about New Mexico Politics and doing the people’s business? The Albuquerque Journal reports that New Mexico lawmakers passed just 191 bills in this years session, the lowest amount for a 60 day session since 1949. This is just plain horrible! New Mexico is going backwards, not forward. The state is in dire shape, in many areas, economically, child hunger, education failure, violent crime, drugs, losing population, water problems and on and on…..GRID LOCK!   When will this nonsense stop? How does this fit the New Mexico Legislature, let’s call it, “the sit more do little company”

Grid Lock! In the past I have called on Governor Martinez and Senate Majority Leader Michael Sanchez, who are both Catholic, to sit down with the three Catholic Bishops and work out their differences and do the people’s business, like stop killing babies! The three Bishops want abortion legislation. What about it Governor Martinez and Senator Sanchez? You all need to bring the Legislature together to do the people’s business. Do you feel the pain of the people of New Mexico? You are both called on to LEAD, not FIGHT! It is time to start pulling weeds at the Roundhouse!

At the same time I do not discount the efforts of the many Republicans and some Democrats who see through this nonsense and fought hard for the people of New Mexico in this years session. If I start to name names, I will leave to many out! So the “sit more do little company” does not fit all!

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