NM Forced Vaccination Bill TABLED


vaccineBy Bud Shaver

Santa Fe- A bill that would remove religious exemptions for vaccinations was tabled in a House committee on Saturday morning.

Armstrong’s bill HB 522, “REMOVE RELIGION IMMUNIZATION EXEMPTION would have forced religious people to use unethical vaccines which have been directly linked to serious health risks and are derived from aborted children. According to Children of God for Life, there are currently 22 vaccines that contain aborted fetal remains.

Armstrong began her testimony by telling the committee that her bill may have some portions that violate the constitution.

According to New Mexico Political Report, “The committee room was packed full audience members, with the majority in opposition of the bill. Many people spoke out against vaccinations and why they might not be safe. Others spoke about religious freedom and why, they said, the bill would limit those freedoms. Republican committee members expressed concern with Armstrong that her bill would infringe on a person’s right to choose.”

As a Pro-Life activist I never thought I would ever say, “My body, my choice” but this rhetoric is ironically spot on…when it comes to opposing forced vaccinations!

There is the possibility that the bill could be tweaked and resubmitted before the end of the session so we will be keeping a close watch on this.

For more information read Tara Shaver’s article here: NM BILL Would FORCE People of Conscience To Take Vaccines With Aborted Fetal Cells

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