UPDATED REPORT: Co-Pilot Crashed Plane on Purpose! Pilot in German Airbus Crash Was Locked Out of Cockpit,


France plane crash

UPDATED 6:25am 3/26/15 click on the headline below:

Germanwings Co-Pilot Appears to Have Crashed Plane Intentionally! Let us be in PRAYER!


UPDATED AT 6:14am 3/26/15:

From Channel4000.com:

French prosecutor: Co-pilot

A French prosecutor confirmed in a news conference that the one of
the pilots of
the Germanwings Flight 9525 was locked out of the cockpit and
that the
co-pilot, alone at the controls of Germanwings flight, began the
descent manually and intentionally, The Associated Press


– One of the pilots on the German Airbus plane that crashed in the French Alps,
killing everyone onboard, left the cockpit and was unable to return before the
plane went down, the New York Times reported on Wednesday, citing evidence from
a cockpit voice recorder. “The guy outside is knocking lightly on the door and
there is no answer,” an unnamed investigator told the Times.


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