The Love of an Albuquerque Teacher Cuts Through the Coldness of Politics


This is so INSPIRING! It should give us all HOPE! This story cuts through all the political mess in New Mexico. It cuts through coldness of how politicians play with the lives of students and teachers. Politics has made a mess of education in our state, which rates near the bottom in our nation. It is such a blessing to see and read the story of Albuquerque Kindergarten teacher, Sonya Romero, she is the real deal! Teacher Romero was honored by KOB TV and also appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres show, which gave her $10,000 and the school where she teaches, Lew Wallace Elementary, also received $10,000!! Sonja reminds me of the teachers I had back long ago….always making sure her students are okay…..providing many with clothes, food and even a home! News and Views-Dewey You see here in New Mexico many students do not get a good meal at home! The Politicians need to get real like Sonja Romero and get off their high horse and get their hands dirty for the kids! Sonja is quoted in today’s Albuquerque Journal saying, “Our whole staff rallies around families in crisis, whether it is taking them meals or caring for a child while a parent is in the hospital.” Sonja is a walking Church, meaning she is doing what the Church, the body of Christ is called to do. You see, I happen to know many School teachers in our state, they have big hearts for our children. One wept as he told me how many kids come to school hungry and in dirty clothes. Yes, this is happening right here in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where poverty is rampant. One Albuquerque teacher told me that we, we the people, need to focus on the family, not politics. When is the last time politicians in New Mexico or the United States did something to actually help our children???!! It is up to you and me, the Church, the Body of Christ, to follow the lead by Sonya, she says, “I was brought up that what you have, you share and, if you have a gift, you give it back.” JESUS LIKE! How cold is the politics in New Mexico? The Senate refused to hear pro-life legislation to end late-term abortion in the state, so the murder of babies continues in New Mexico, thats how cold hearted politics has become in our state, the blood of babies is on the hands of those that blocked this bill. I guess the politicians who favor abortion figure this is part of an education program to teach our children the value of life.  Read more here at KOB TV: 1st ‘Pay It 4ward’ recipient featured on ‘Ellen Show’ Thursday

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