Years of Research Compiled to EXPOSE the NM Abortion Cartel





By, Bud Shaver

Protest ABQ’s website has been updated with two new tabs, “Reports” and “Videos” that compiles Bud and Tara Shaver’s extensive research documenting and EXPOSING the Abortion Industry deeply entrenched in New Mexico.

Tara Shaver, who trained with Operation Rescue for a year in Wichita, obtained records of over a dozen 911 calls placed from Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO) showing gross life-threatening complications, including a ruptured uterus during a 35-week abortion. Tara also discovered that state tax dollars pay for these late-term procedures at the cost of thousands of dollars each. She also obtained a consent form from SWO, in 2012, where the abortion business admits that abortions after 18 weeks are more dangerous than live birth, which is contradicts the usual pro-abortion talking points. You can view the consent form for yourself and feel free to download, print and share it with others. Also we have compiled several reports, undercover investigations, and video’s.

At the “Reports” section you will discover several reports and undercover investigations.

Yesterday Saturday, March 21st was World Down Syndrome Day, 2015 here is an undercover investigation Tara did back in 2011 revealing how New Mexico treats the world’s children diagnosed with Down Syndrome in the womb…And at taxpayers expense: Call Reveals Medicaid Paying $16,000 to Abort 30-Week Down Syndrome Baby


At the “Videos” section you will find documented HORRIFIC abortion related injuries sustained at Late-Term, “Killing Center” Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO) located in Albuquerque, NM.

Here is one of the video’s of a 911 call placed back in 2010 documenting a botched late-term abortion on a 17 year old girl at Southwestern Women’s Options.


As former interns with Operation Rescue, Protest ABQ’s Bud and Tara Shaver, have learned the most cutting edge tactics and research techniques to document conditions and practices permeating the, Abortion Industry. Since arriving to Albuquerque, in 2010, they have worked tirelessly with Operation Rescue to document, uncover, and EXPOSE the New Mexico Abortion Cartel.

Please familiarize yourself with the information contained at Protest and share this information with others!

Protest ABQ is a peaceful awareness campaign launched to educate and stand against the injustice of abortion through a strategic and sustained presence. Protest ABQ strives to educate Albuquerque and New Mexico residents on what abortion really is and what it looks like. While Protest ABQ is opposed to abortion and seeks the reversal of Roe v. Wade and its progeny, Protest ABQ acknowledges that it must do all it can to protect the lives, health, and safety of vulnerable women who are subjected to an abortion and to protect and preserve the life of the unborn child.

To get involved with Protest ABQ click here.


Bud and Tara Shaver are Pro-Life Missionaries serving in Albuquerque, NM. Commissioned by Operation Rescue to Albuquerque in 2010, they are implementing several proven strategies, in an effort to make New Mexico, “Abortion Free.” They have redefined the American mission field and their Pro-Life efforts have been featured in virtually EVERY major news source in the country. Bud and Tara strive to keep Christ at the center of their efforts.

Click here to donate securely online to help keep them in the trenches fighting for LIFE.

To Donate by Mail, Send your Donation Here:

Bud and Tara Shaver
P.O. Box 50351
Albuquerque, NM 87181

Make your donation by check out to “Bud or Tara Shaver”

Thank you for your continued prayers, support and encouragement in 2015! We are so blessed and humbled by all of our partners in this ministry to save lives here in Albuquerque, New Mexico.


Click on the headline below:

State Senator Michael Sanchez Rules New Mexico


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