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FGGAM Photo of the Day on Resurrection Sunday With Karen Rowe

We forgot to close a door last night from such a beautiful day yesterday. This is a blessing this morning because even though the floor was cold the view was undisturbed!
The birds of all kinds are joyful in our yard who got up earlier than me. The sun is brilliantly shining across my view and new life is evident everwhere!
The view, sounds and fresh air reached every sence God gave me to enjoy with Him!

When I closed the door, looking through the tinted glass was not the same. When I opened the door the birds flew away. But when I just showed up & joined them, I simply fit in!

Isn’t life with Christ like this? Just believe and live and breathe free air in the presence of God where we can’t accomplish by our own doing, but by grace we we have been given new life and fellowship!

Happy Easter my friends! I greet you today with the same news that is still as glorious! Jesus is Risen!


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