FGGAM PHOTO of The Day: Showing the Love of Jesus


Last Sunday I preached at the Reserve, NM Baptist Church. Sharon and I and our whole family have been made part of the Church family, we are so ever grateful to all! Everyone has treated us with the love of Jesus! Deacon Charles McCargish and his lovely wife Joan have become such Dear Friends! They have become mentors of mine….on how to live a Godly life! This past Sunday we were blessed to have visitors at the Church and one of them, a man named Bob, who was traveling through the area, on his way to Alaska, went to lunch with us after services. Charles and Joan asked him. They are so very hospitable, like all of the folks at the Reserve Baptist Church. Psalm 94:16 teaches us…Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Please pray for my message and travels as I am blessed to return to Reserve this Sunday. By the way Bob took this picture of me and Charles and Joan. Lord Willing, if I do not forget in my old age..I want to take pictures of the stained glass windows of the Church that were donated by the founders! There are not many Churches like the Reserve Baptist Church left in America! They even have a Church bell! PTL! I am so thankful to God and my Dear Friends at the Church for the opportunity to serve! Amen! For God’s Glory Alone!!!!

You can click on the picture to enlarge it.  Dewey and Charles Joan

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